Yandere Ethan Headcanons

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theyl0vemei asked: i know this is not Streber but yandere ethan headcannons?

Ofc lol

As always don't read if you are uncomfy with yandere stuff.

-Manipulative. Tries to sweep you away with his charms.
-He's the type of yandere to gaslight you into just spending time with him, and trusting him.
-None of your friends seem to really want to hang out with you right now, therefore you should stay with him instead. After all, he seems to be the only person who really cares about you.
-Basically, he semi-isolates you from your friends and tries to keep you for himself.
-He will not harm you or ruin your reputation of course, he loves you too much to do that to you.
-Won't go as far as kidnapping you, but he may do something violent to others.
-If anyone gets way too close to you, and I mean as in friends, he'll have a 'talk' with them.
-(It may or may not involve kidnapping.)
-Most likely not, but he is very protective over you. He's intimidating on his own, but if they seem to be taking it too far, pulling you away from him; then he will spring into action.
-He would be around you as much as possible, gaslighting you into thinking he is your only safety. He is the only person you can really trust.
-Going out with your friends? Let him come along, he'll protect you. After all, he's not sure if he could trust those people you hang around with.
-And if he's actually right about them? He will rub it in, using that example to tell you that you can't trust anyone but him.

"Darling, next time you should stay with me... After all, I seem to be the only one who's good enough to you."

Uhhh uhhhh ummm uhh idk

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