~ III ~

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The sound of birds chirping outside woke me up. I run my hand through my chocolate cherry hair, getting it out of my face as I look around my surroundings. My head is pounding from the alcohol and the lack of sleep. After the amazing session last night, Prince cuddled me, holding me against him. We laid in silence until we both fell asleep, but the silence held more words than words ever could. The room is chilly, but the wind feels amazing blowing in, and the stormy air gives me chills. I glance outside and see the dark clouds coming in, and a smile arises on my face as tiny droplets start tapping against the roof.

I love gloomy, stormy weather. It's so peaceful. 

Tap. Tap. Tap.

I could listen to the rain tapping against the roof or the windows all day. I loved the sound.

As I turned around to lay on my back, my body ached from last night. The way Prince was so possessive and touchy. He kept choking me in a passionate, dominating way. I wasn't scared; I knew he wouldn't hurt me. My pussy throbs and I feel myself getting wet thinking about the way he took over my body and gave me one of the best orgasms of my life. One of my only ones driven by a man. Goosebumps rise on my body as his lips left a lingering effect on my skin.

"Shit," I bite my lip as I close my eyes and grab my neck. It's tender, and I feel welts. How am I going to return home now?


I jump out of bed and search for my phone. "Wow," I sigh in disappointment when I see I have no new messages from him. I shouldn't care, but it still hurts. I mean, damn, even Prince didn't stay in the room with me. I woke up alone without a note or text letting me know where he went. I toss my phone on the floor and grab my clothes from last night. I turn on his shower admiring the four shower heads in here, smiling. This shower is going to feel amazing.

I search through Prince's cabinets for women's soap, but only found a bar of dove soap that looks like it was stolen from a hotel. The box is black and black, no words anywhere on the package except a small dove sign in the corner and there's a small travel size head and shoulders. I take both inside the shower with me. "How the fuck do you start this?" I ask aloud to myself. There's no handle, but there's a tablet. I touch the circle at the bottom and the screen lights up. I had to change the temperature four times to get it to the right one and I made the water a number eight which made it come down harder massaging my entire body. You can listen to music and watch movies. I smirk as I click on pandora and Prince's playlist starts playing. I find myself singing along to Morgan Wallen's new song, "One thing at a time." I'm surprised to even hear this on his Playlist. I figured he was more of a rock person.

"God damn," I moan as I rest my head against the wall as the water hits all the sore spots on my back. I don't even move when the bathroom door opens and the smell of bacon fills the room. I look up and see Prince carrying in a tray of food. A variety of everything; potatoes, hashbrowns, bacon, sausage, ham, scrambles and medium easy eggs, French toast, waffles, chicken strips, and a variety of fruit.

"I didn't know what you liked so I made a little bit of everything," Prince gives me a small smiles and my eyes go down to his neck. He has two hickeys; a big one underneath his jawline and a small one near his collarbone. Scratches and a bite mark are drawn over his arms and back.

I smile, biting my cheek as I look him over twice. He really is fucking hot and looks so good with my markings. "I would have been happy with cereal, but thank you."

Prince licks his lips as his eyes trail down my naked, wet body. His hooded eyes leave heat trails down my body, making me wetter. Making me feel pretty.

"What are you doing?" I ask him as he yanks his shorts and boxers off.

Prince flashes me a hundred dollar smile as he opens the door and wraps me in his arms. I hesitate, unsure of what he's doing, before he grabs my arms and wraps them around his waist. "I just want a good morning hug, sweetheart."

"I haven't got a hug in so long, I forgot how good they feel." I whisper resting my head on Prince's chest. He wraps his arms tighter around my shoulders, pressing me against him. He stiffens, but quickly regains his normal composer as he kisses my forehead.

"I meant it last night when I said I could help you with your problems." Prince whispers as he moves my hair from my neck.

"As good as a sugar daddy sounds, I can't accept money for sex." I admit.

Prince chuckles. "No, sweetheart. I have a job that I feel like you'd be so great at. But, it would be our little secret."

"What is it?" I ask, not pulling away. I forgot how great a hug felt; the warmth, the sound of their heart beating and the security you feel in someone's arms. Its blissful.

"I need you to be my wife. For a year. We wouldn't even send in the certificate, but you will need to change your last name for a year. You'll need to make everyone believe it too. In return, you'll get to live here for rent free, a free car, free everything you need and want, and when the year is up, you'll be a single beautiful millionaire with enough cash to burn for weekly bonfires."

Be a pretend wife for a year?

Millionaire? That money would offer security and the stability that I've craved all my life. I've slept on myself for years. Giving everyone access and control over my life losing everything in the process.  It will give me the freedom to start fresh, regain control of my own life.

From the bottom of my heart, I am so tired. I'm tired and drained. This is the break I need. The thought didn't scare me. Pretend for a year? I was fully committed to someone for eight years and I ended up with nothing. I pretended to be happy for most of those eight years, so a year doesn't sound to bad.

"I'll do it under two conditions." I whisper as I peck his chest. Prince cups chin in his hand, forcing me to look at him. The water droplets made his features glow and his eyelashes darker, making his eyes darker than normal.

"I'll do anything," Prince promises, licking his lips. His thumb runs over my cheek in assurance.

"If I ask for space, I get it. My misery doesn't like company."

"Can I check on you?" Prince ask raising an eyebrow.

I nod, "When I reach out first." My privacy during rough metal times are a must. I need time to myself or I become bitcher and irritated more than usual.

"Okay," Prince agrees but his tone is on alert. "And your second request?" He ask as his chest starts to rise faster.

"When the year is over, you have to promise to not reach out or try to find me. I get to walk away without the pressure of staying."

"That's what you want?"

I smile, trying to lighten the mood. "Yes,"

Prince tightens his jaw as his eyes fall down to my lips. His voice is deeper and more raspy as he talks. "What if, I prove I'm not like the rest?"

"Like, fall for you?" Prince nods nervously, "A deals a deal."

Prince eyes turn to anger as he nods. "A deals a deal." Prince turns around, washing his body in silence. His back muscles were tense and hard. I stay silent, washing my body and hair, ignoring the tension in the bathroom.

I kept my body turned from his waiting for him to yell, or storm out slamming the door behind him, but he didn't do any of that. I jumped when he wrapped his arm around my waist, pulling me against him. Prince tensed at my action, before he pulls me closer to his chest as he places a single kiss on my shoulder.

"I'm going to get dressed then we can eat breakfast and go over the contract. I have some NDA's I need you to sign. Not just for my protection, but for yours."

I nod, still waiting for a reaction from him. "Okay, sounds good." I smirk before biting my lip.

"Okay, sweetheart." Prince says calmly before kissing my shoulder again. I stand frozen in the same spot, as I listen to him grab a towel off the shelf before disappearing into the bedroom. I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding as I wash the shampoo out of my hair, looking over my shoulder..still waiting for a different reaction. The fact that I didn't get one was more scary than the actually reaction would have been.

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