~ XVII ~

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I appreciated that Prince didn't take it easy on me because everyone else I might face wouldn't either, but I can't deny that I am stunned that Prince hit me so hard. When Avery first hit me, I couldn't handle the pain. I fell weak and didn't fight back. I didn't give up sprawling with Prince; I went all the rounds. I'm proud of myself for pushing myself to keep going. I knew that in order to improve and prepare for future opponents, I had to face the challenge head-on.

Prince was relentless, landing powerful punches that tested my endurance and resilience. With each blow, I felt my body ache and my energy waning. But instead of succumbing to the pain, I summoned the courage to keep going.

In that moment, I realized that facing adversity is a crucial part of growth. It is through these tough battles that we find our true strength and learn to push past our limits. Despite the pain, I focused on the end goal and used it as fuel to keep fighting. I walked away from that ring with a sense of accomplishment. I had given it my all, not backing down in the face of adversity.

Prince's relentless attacks taught me the importance of resilience, determination, and never underestimating my opponents. I realized that the pain I felt during that fight was temporary, but the lessons I learned and the growth I experienced are invaluable.

So, while I may have been stunned by Prince's strength, I am grateful for the challenge he presented. It pushed me to my limits and showed me what I am truly capable of.

I take a deep breath as I knock on Prince's bedroom door, rocking back and forth on my heels as I wait for him to open it.

"You don't have to knock, sweetheart. This is as much as your room as it's mine." Prince smiles, but it doesn't reach his eyes as he scans my face, particularly my swollen eye. "I'm so sorry,"

"I'm fine. How do you feel?" I smirk as I walk to the bed and lay back.

Prince watches me from the door before shutting it and locking it, sparking my interest. I bite my bottom lip as I admire his toned, sculpted body.

Damn, he's so hot.

"I've never been taken down before."

I smile ear to ear at his statement. "You have now,"

Prince hovers over me, holding himself up with his arms as he nods. "The only person in the world that I'd let beat me," Prince seals his lips against mine, darting his tongue between my lips. My heart races as I melt into the embrace, losing myself in the passion that electrifies the air. The warmth of Prince's touch sends shivers down my spine, as if unlocking a hidden part of me that had been waiting to be awakened.

As the kiss deepens, time seems to stand still, and I realize that this moment is a turning point in our lives. The connection we share transcends mere physicality; it is a meeting of souls.

Prince pulls away, breaking the kiss, and I pout playfully, earning me seven extra pecks.

"The food is ready," I tell him. "Brixton grilled steaks."

"I didn't realize we were cooking at home. I had reservations for Kobes." Prince smiles. Kobes is my favorite restaurant. They have the best rice I've ever had.

"You didn't tell me that you had reservations. I can tell them that—"

"Sweetheart, they were just for you and I. I wanted to take you out alone. As a surprise, but it's okay."

I blink in surprise, feeling a mixture of gratitude and guilt. I appreciate Prince's thoughtfulness, but I can't help feeling a pang of guilt for the barbecue. That was my idea.

"Oh, Prince, I'm sorry," I say, my voice filled with remorse. "I didn't mean to ruin your surprise. I just thought a barbecue would be nice."

Prince kisses my nose, his eyes filled with warmth. "You didn't ruin anything, my love," he reassures me.

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