~ XVIX ~

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As the days turned to weeks and weeks turned to months, the enigma of Taju continued to perplex me. My obsession with uncovering the truth grew. I found myself constantly searching for any clues, any hints that could shed light on Taju's background. But the more I dug, the more I realized that Taju was a master of secrecy. There were no social media profiles, no records, no traces of his existence beyond his presence in Layla's kidnapping and the few times he sent someone to my warehouse, if that was actually him. It was as if he had materialized out of thin air, a complete stranger with an air of mystery surrounding him.

Layla's connection to Taju remained a puzzle that I couldn't solve. They seemed to share a secret bond, an unspoken understanding that left me feeling like an outsider in my own marriage, whatever marriage I have.

I couldn't help but wonder what role Taju played in Layla's life. Was he a long-lost friend? A confidant from her past? Or something more? The questions swirled in my mind, fueling my curiosity and stirring up a mix of emotions - jealousy, insecurity, and a deep longing for the truth.

I couldn't help but question whether Layla was being honest with me, whether our love was built on a foundation of lies. The more I gave, the more distant she became. At first, she gave in the the marriage thing instantly, but she wasn't all about me. Layla still slept in her own room a few times a week, hung out with her friends without me, and never texted me during the day unless I reached out first. Layla didn't confide in me. She didn't trust me. And most of the time, Layla wouldn't even make eye contact with me.

"We need to start looking as if Layla is the perpetrator." I almost vomit at my own words. The betrayal cutting through my heart.

"I'm way ahead of you, Prince." Royal says rushing in the room with a computer and Laylas phone plugged into it. I knew it was hers because she ordered a few white cases and we painted them when she first arrived. She did a galaxy theme and had me write something on the back of hers. I wrote, "You're beautiful," on both of her cases.

Except with one of them, I remember putting our date on one. I grab my phone examining the back of my case. It's a black galaxy with a small purple heart. I added the small heart next to our date, but the date is gone.

"Where did you find that?" I ask, clearing my voice.

Royal sits down the computer and cellphone, typing something before looking at me. "Layla had two phones. One for everyday use, but this one is her diary!" Royal says holding up the phone and I snatch it from her, turning it on.

My heart stops and my heart aches that I ever accused Layla as I see the picture on her lockscreen. I was sitting on the kitchen counter in basketball shorts, eating pizza, while Layla ate at the table with the guys. I'm smiling in the picture with sweaty hair, and there's a little pizza sauce on the side of my lip.

I can't believe I'm her diary screen. I couldn't even tell you what her other screen was. Layla would change it so much to different ocean pictures.

"Do you really think Layla would be behind her own kidnapping? For what?" Avery asked, disappointed. Avery loved Layla like a sister. They were really close. I thought that Layla and Brixton would be since they knew eachother before, but she really got along with Avery. She trusted him.

"For all I know, you could be too. You were always with Layla. Shit, you spent more time with her than I did."

Averys face fell, a mix of shock and hurt crossing his features. "How can you say that?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper. "I've been nothing but loyal to Layla, to both of you. I would never do anything to harm her, or you, or the rest of our family!"

I felt a pang of guilt as I saw the pain in Avery's eyes. He had been a constant presence in Layla's life, a pillar of support and friendship. Accusing him of any wrongdoing felt like a betrayal of the bond we had all shared.

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