~ XVI ~

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There were a lot of unanswered questions, but for once, I decided not to question it. No matter if it's real or not, I have nine months left to enjoy it. I've never felt truly connected to someone before, but every time I look in Prince's eyes, I feel like I've known him my whole life. He understands me. He doesn't judge, and he's very supportive. In a way, Prince is the other half of me.

And I hated that more than I ever hated anything.

I hate the way I give him all of me.

I fucking hate the way my heart does jumping jacks when he smiles at me. His cute, toothy smile that lights up his blue-grey eyes and turns my brain into mush. Like the way he is now as he explains who's going against who in training. Everytime he says something, his eyes find mine before he looks around the group before finding mine again.

"Layla has taken down Avery four times. Why can't she try to get you down?" Royal ask chugging down her coffee.

I pick at my muffin, smirking. "That isn't a bad idea."

"You do realize that nobody has ever brought Prince down, right?" Benji chuckles and I shrug.

"The idea is to use all your resources-"

"And Layla has plenty of resources." Royal cuts me off wiggling her eyebrows as her eyes glue to the front of my breast.

I roll my eyes playfully as Avery clears his throat. "I mean, if you have the resources, use them in any situation, but boss has self control. A couple of huge titties in his face won't distract him."

Prince smiled at that. "If you want to try sweetheart, we can, but I won't go easy on you."

"I expect nothing less." I mumble as I look down at my phone. My heart stops when I see a text from my ex. It's been a few days since I've last gotten one. It's a relief to know he's okay, but it's a trail receiving another message urging to call him.

"A hundred on Prince!" Benji chuckles tossing down a crisp hundred dollar bill on the table followed by the rest of them throwing down money and calling one of our names.

I stand up and start stretching, looking at Prince as he copies my stretches. Prince is way bigger than Benji, Avery, and Brixton, but I'm pretty confident. Flight or fight is my best response to situations like this. I take it personal because it makes me stronger and clears my head.

"You nervous, sweetheart?" Prince winks at me as a smile lingers on his lips.

I smirk back. "Why would I be nervous, baby?"

Prince's smile grows as I called him baby and his cheeks turn a slight pink. "I won't take it easy on you,"

"You said that already."

"I know. I just making sure you know that."

I shake my head. "I won't learn or get stronger if people took it easy."

Prince nods. "Give me a kiss." Prince grabs my face before I could comprehend what he said. He kisses me deeply, stealing my breath from my chest.

"Stop," I chuckle as I pull away and Prince kisses all over the side of my face.

"No," Prince smirks as he cups my chin and pecks my lips again.

"No?" I chuckle brushing him off as I stand in the middle of the practice mat, ignoring the looks around me. I'm not into PDA and from the look Prince is giving me, he looks afraid I'll be mad if he kicks my ass.

Prince and I step onto the mat and assume fighting stances. Royal smiles brightly, as she tells us to go. I make the first move, trying to get the upper hand with my newly learned techniques, but Prince easily blocks and counters my several attempts.

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