~ XI ~

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‼️ PSA !! I edited and changed chapters 1-10. If you've followed my story, over the past few weeks, you'll need to reread all previous chapters to understand this one. It didn't reach the potential I saw, and i tried making a draft chapter work, but i failed miserable. Your feedback will be deeply appreciated. I'll be edited again, probably tomorrow, to fix spelling errors, but the story will not change anymore! Thank you so much to everyone who's following and reading my book. I appreciate and feel the love so much. You're all so amazing. Much love, Bre 💜💙💜💙💜💙‼️


Three black escalades were parked outside our front door. We all panicked, rushing inside when we saw that there weren't any guards posted outside.

"Ow! Fuck!" I yelp out as I fall on to the crowd, twisting my ankle.

"Fuck, Layla! Your ankle is starting to swell." Royal panics as she rushes to my side. Arlo and Avery hold me up, helping me in the house. I hear Prince yelling and other man screaming over him. The livingroom went silent as we walked in. Prince stood up and walked toward me. Panic in his eyes.

"What happened?" Prince ask looking over me.

"I tripped outside. I twisted it." I say holding out my foot.

"Someone grab an ice pack. Come here, sweetheart." Prince grabs me bridal style carring me to the couch. I looked around the room, looking for the voice that was screaming at Prince, and instantly locked eyes with the most demonic eyes I've ever seen. His right eye is dark brown, and his left is green, but they're both darker than a black hole. The same ones that I used to see in my nightmares every night.

"Zaylynn? What the fuck," I whisper out loud to myself. My grip tightening around Princes neck. Z laughs as he looks at me, his eyes trailing down my body at a fast speed, several times making me feel nauseated. My hands are sweaty and I can feel the color draining from my face.

"Layla, daring! How's your mom doing?"

"I'll fucking slice your throat if you ever ask me about my mother again." I spit as my anger grows. Prince spins me around, facing Zaylynn, angrily.

I have hated this man since I was twelve. Zaylynn is a narcissistic psycho that destroyed everything, stolen everything from me. He destroyed my life and made me this numb, fucked up walking stone. He was the downfall in my life.

"Calm down, Layla. We haven't even begun yet." Z smiles.

"No, fuck you, you twisted fuck." I yell, looking at Prince. Prince nods at the guards and they surround him. I ignore his disbelief potty mouth as he screams for them to move, as Prince sets me down on the kitchen counter. My heart stops beating for a few long seconds when I stare into familiar blue-grey ones.

"How do you know my father?"

"Your father?" I choke the words out.

Prince cups my face in his hands, calming me from the warmth radiating off his body. Prince nods in agreement. "You knew who I was this whole time? Do they know too?"

"I didn't know you knew him, Layla." Prince whispers as he guards me with his body. "What the fuck has he done to you?"

He trapped my mother after impersonating an angel. He used her and got her hooked on drugs. He began abusing her until she left, leaving me alone. If he wouldn't have taken my mom's freedom, I wouldn't of ran into the arms of the man who ruined me who abused me just as much as Zaylynn has.

"I need some time," I whisper as my eyes gloss over with tears.

"Layla, sweetheart, he won't touch you."

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