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That's all Prince and I have done for the first two days here. We fuck. Eat. Fuck. Nap. Fuck again.  Eat. Relax. Fuck. Bath. Fuck in the ocean then fuck afrer dinner.

Don't get me wrong. Sex with Prince is fucking amazing. He always makes sure I cum first, that I'm satified and always manages to surprise me.

Its been the best two days of my life with Prince.

But today is different.

Today, as the sun rises over the tranquil island, I wake up feeling a sense of adventure stirring within me. The previous days of passionate intimacy with Prince have been incredible, but now I yearn to discover the hidden gems this paradise has to offer. From outside our back window, its just beautiful blue water surrounding us, but once you go to the front of the cabin, there's beautiful views and shops that I want to explore.

Gently nudging Prince awake, I feel his strong arms wrap around me, pulling me closer underneath him. The warmth of his body against mine sends shivers down my spine. Its comforting. So fucking comforting.

"Goodmorning, my love." Prince whispers, kissing the top of my head.

"I want to go explore, baby," I whisper, my voice filled with excitement.

His eyes, still filled with desire, meet mine, and a sleepy smile spreads across his face. "Explore? What do you have in mind?" he asks, his voice husky with desire.

I nod, planting soft kisses along his neck. "I want to try out the Chinese restaurant we heard about. I've been craving some authentic noodles. And maybe we can take a boat ride along the coastline, just the two of us. It'll be romantic. And if we have time, I'd love to do a little shopping in the local markets."

A mischievous glint dances in Prince's eyes as he gazes into mine. "Sounds like a plan, my love," he replies, his voice filled with anticipation.

With a shared sense of adventure, we untangle ourselves from the sheets and dress in matching outfits, blue shirts and black shorts, ready to embark on a day of exploration and new experiences.

Hand in hand, we make our way to the Chinese restaurant, its vibrant red lanterns swaying in the gentle breeze. The tantalizing aroma of exotic spices fills the air as we step inside, greeted by the friendly chatter of patrons and the sizzle of woks in the open kitchen. We settle into a cozy booth, our fingers intertwined as we peruse the menu.

"I heard their Peking duck is amazing," Prince says, his eyes scanning the options.

I nod in agreement, a smile tugging at my lips. "And their handmade dumplings are supposed to be out of this world."

Prince smiles, reaching over the table to grab my hand and squeeze. "Let's order a variety and share."

As we wait for our food to arrive, we engage in playful banter, sharing stories and laughter. The restaurant's ambiance, filled with the clinking of chopsticks and the hum of conversation, adds to the excitement of our day.

Savoring each bite, we indulge in the delicate flavors of the dumplings, their fillings bursting with savory goodness. Our taste buds dance with delight, and we can't help but steal glances at each other, our eyes filled with affection.

After satisfying our appetites, we make our way to the marina, where a sleek boat awaits us.

"How did you manage this so fast?" I ask in disbelief.

"I'm Mr.Moretti." Prince winks at me as the captain greets us with a warm smile, and we step aboard, the gentle rocking of the boat soothing our senses.

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