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I couldn't fight back the tears as I watched the videos of Layla on the metal bed. A white hood covered her entire face so she couldn't see and her body was exposed for everyone else to see. The room was only lit with a small light that barely showed us anything in the room.

Every ten minutes we'd get a new video from the ten minutes before. We're always ten minutes behind. Ten fucking minutes.

"How can you not get through her hardwall? You taught her everything she knows!" I yell, slamming my fist down on the table. "Fucking hack it now! I don't care if we lose the evidence! Find her now!"

I ignore the jumps from everyone as I grab the laptop in front of me and throw it across the room. I can't sit here and watch another video of Layla getting tortured knowing I can't do anything about it. It's making me crumble.

"I think we should call dad," Legend speaks up, calmly.

"Fuck no. His birthday is next week. He's not going to help us." Royal spoke for me as she continues to scroll through the hundreds of videos that we've broken down and analyzed trying to find the missing pieces that we can't seem to make sense.

I glance at the date on my watch and see its almost his birthday. His way out from the fucked up world he invested us in.

"Listen, I know its hard. Its rough on all of us, but we haven't gotten anywhere except dead end after dead end. We need fresh eyes. I mean, fuck, even Detective Brawler isn't here. Don't you want to bring your girl home?" Avery yells, his voice trembling.

I feel my guard come up as I fight back the urge to shot him in the head. Under different circumstances, I would, but Avery is under alot of pressure. We all are. We all miss Layla and want her home. Its putting a weight on all of us.

The room falls into a heavy silence as Avery's words hang in the air. I take a moment to steady myself, realizing the truth in his plea. Layla, my beautiful wife, is out there somewhere, and time is slipping away. The frustration and exhaustion are palpable, infuriating, but I know we can't afford to miss any opportunities to bring my baby home.

Royal stands up, walking up to me with tears in her eyes.  "I understand that Dad's birthday is approaching, and emotions are running high. But right now, we need every resource available to find Layla. Calling Dad might seem unconventional, but desperate times call for desperate measures. Let's put aside personal issues and focus on what's important: bringing Layla back. Dad might surprise us with fresh insights or connections we haven't had access to yet. Prince, don't do it for us. Do it for Layla."

Taking a moment to collect my thoughts, I sit down, sighing loudly as I fight away the tears threatening to fall. Legend and Royal's suggestions lingers in my mind. Calling our dad, despite our strained relationship, might be our only chance at fresh perspective. Swallowing my pride, I speak up, "You're right, both of you. Maybe he can provide some insight we've been missing. I need her back so bad."

I've felt so defeated since Layla beens gone. I feel my soul getting weaker and weaker as the days keeps getting longer and longer and we just keep ending up with nothing that could lead us to her.

Royal looks down at me, a mix of skepticism and hope in her eyes. Avery nods, his anger momentarily subsiding. Legend whispers a praise under his breath and Benji stares at the computer screen, ignoring everything around him. Brixtons been my right hand man for the past few months. Hes been handling most of the shipments and deals while we've been breaking down videos, messages and invading everyone whos ever came into contact with Layla before she went missing.

"Shes still alive, Prince. We can still bring her home."

"No," Legend says, cutting Royal off. "We will find her and bring her home."

My Destinyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن