~ XXVI ~

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Laylas POV

After I changed out of my wedding dress into a pair of jean shorts and a couples tshirt Prince had made for us, I walked down the aisle one more time, remembering what happened moments ago.

This was the wedding I've always dreamt of - an extraordinary celebration of love and unity, where our journey as soulmates begins. As we embark on this new chapter hand in hand, I am filled with gratitude and excitement, ready to create a beautiful and meaningful life together.

But a part of me, most of me, feels like I don't deserve it. I used Prince before falling head over heels in love with him. The depths I went to protect him and myself was devious. Prince is protective. He's smart and powerful, yet I dragged his heart around and played him to protect the man who abused me for years.

Fear was a huge factor, but I had so many opportunities to speak up, and I chose not to.

Over the past few weeks, Prince voiced his version of what happened, and even through it all, he still loved and forgave me.

As I stood at the entrance of the magnificent reception hall, my heart danced with excitement. It was a dream come true, the day Prince and I had been waiting for. The venue was transformed into a magical space, radiating love and beauty. Our wedding reception was destined to be a celebration that would forever be etched in our hearts.

The air was filled with the tantalizing aroma of gourmet delights, as the reception hall showcased a culinary extravaganza. As the guests mingled, I observed the expressions of delight as they indulged in the exquisite culinary creations. It was a testament to the hard work and dedication of our talented chefs.

The starters lured guests with their artful presentations and bursts of flavors. Savory bruschetta with tomato confit, crisp vegetable spring rolls, and succulent prawns bathed in a tangy marinade delighted every taste bud. The main course featured an exquisite harmony of dishes, ranging from perfectly roasted tenderloin with a red wine reduction to succulent grilled salmon served on a bed of wilted greens Vegetarians reveled in the fragrant vegetable biryani, brimming with aromatic spices and a colorful medley of vegetables.

The dessert table beckoned like a sweet paradise. Our towering wedding cake, a work of culinary art, stood as the centerpiece. Layers of moist sponge cake, lovingly adorned with delicate handmade sugar flowers, awaited their moment to enchant our guests. Alongside, an array of miniature delights tantalized taste buds - rich chocolate truffles, velvety tiramisu, and delicate fruit tarts adorned with vibrant berries. Our menu was a reflection of our shared love for fine cuisine, carefully designed to satisfy every palate and create lasting culinary memories.

Stealing glances at our family members, I felt an overwhelming sense of joy and gratitude. Our wedding reception was not just a celebration of our love, but also a coming together of two families. It was heartwarming to witness the effortless mingling of our loved ones, each contributing their own unique touch to the occasion.

My eyes sparkled with pride as grandparents regaled everyone with stories of our childhood adventures. Laughter filled the air as siblings, cousins, and cherished friends raised their glasses in toast to our happiness. We celebrated not only the love between Prince and me but also the bonds built over years of shared experiences. The room was alive with the joyous harmony of family unity. Even the men who work for Prince's family were having the time of their lives.

There isn't any drama. No secrets that could destroy us or enemies waiting to take one of us out. It's just normal.

"Sweetheart, I've been looking for you. You disappeared on me after dinner." Prince says behind me. I lean off the wall and into his arms as he holds me from behind. I lean into him, turning my head so he can kiss my neck better.

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