~ XXI ~

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Green. Fuck, green! "I found it. Help me!" I scream as I push the haybell out of the way of the tiny door that leads underground.

Layla is here. I finally found her.

I race down the metal ladder until I feel the ground. I turn on the flash light that Avery tosses down and use it to turn on the light that is dangling in the middle of the room. I blink, adjusting my eyes to the bright light. "Layla!" I hiss, rushing toward the bed where a womans body is laying on the bed.

My entire world crumbles as I stare at the dead body.

Her lips and eyes were sewed shut. Bruises covered most of her body and blood was everywhere.

She looks peaceful. Asleep, and out of pain.

"Check the other ones. This isn't her," I mumble, through gritted teeth. "Where the hell are you, sweetheart?" I fight back the tears as I climb up the stairs.

We searched the other six hidden undergound rooms. Each girl looked exactly like Layla, expect the black room which was empty. It was cleaner than the rest, but had more blood.

"How did they move her so fast?" I scream, "Which one of you snitched?" I asked, grabbing the collar of the first person beside me. Benji. "Did you fucking rat?"

Benjis face falls and fear replaces the anger in his eyes. "No! I would nev-"

He stopped talking when I toss him away. "Were searching every inch of this fucking land until we find her."

I slam my fist against the wall before I leave the barn and go to the car where Brixton is holding my father and Taju captive.

I grab the collar of Taju and pull him out of the car. "Where the fuck is she?"

Taju spits in my face, "Fuck you,"

My fist connect with his jaw, and I continue hitting him until Royal stops me.

"Where's Legend?" Royal ask.

I stop punching Taju and look around for my brother. I know he got out of the car, but I haven't seen him since he rode behind us. My heart drops.

I've been so worried about finding Layla, I wasn't focused on who were plotting with the captors of Layla.

"When was the last time someone saw him?" I ask, grabbing my phone to ping his phone. Panic starts to creep into my voice as I frantically search for any signs of Legend. I realize that in the chaos of the situation, I had neglected to keep track of his whereabouts, someone I should have been on high alert with knowing hes after the title on my fathers birthday just as I am. As I ping his phone, I anxiously wait for a response, hoping that he didn't shut his phone off.

Brixton, noticing my distress, speaks up. "I saw him leave the car when we were searching the cars. He ran off to the trees over there. I thought one might of escaped."

"You didn't think to tell anyone that he fucking ran off?" Avery screams, slamming his hands against Brixtons chest.

Brixton pushes his back. "He's helped us for the past six months. You really think hes going to go after her now?"

My anger boils over, my frustration harshens my voice. "It doesn't matter! We can't afford to take any chances. Legend's loyalty has always been questionable, and if he's gone after Layla on his own, who knows what he might do to get revenge on me?"

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