~ XV ~

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"It's too fucking early for this!" 

"Come on, Layla. Just another mile." Brixton says jogging in place waiting for me.

I gasp as I try to catch my breath while barely moving toward him. Brixton chuckles as I stop running and sit on the ground. I don't have the lung capacity for this. "Well, fuck Prince because six miles at five in the fucking morning is absurd." I groan as I swallow roughly. I didn't bring any water because I didn't want to carry it. Now I'm seconds away from dying from dehydration. "I'll meet you there, just go." I insist.

After our argument, Prince left. Royal and I stayed up until a little after three having the movie night Prince and I were supposed to have.

I hated every minute of it. I was so angry and the fire inside of me grew bigger when the boys woke us up at five on the dot for a run that Prince mandatory.

"We're almost there. Come on, I'll help you." Brixton says, grabbing my hand and pulling me up.

I sigh, standing on my wobbly legs, and fall into Brixton's arms. "How are you even energized? Didn't you have a boys night?" I ask holding onto Brixton for support. I can smell the liquor on Brixtons breath and Avery and the others stunk of it too, but they were all hyperactive toddlers while we were stretching.

"Yeah, it was fun."


Brixton smirks, "Yes, fun. Now, come on. The warehouse is right there." Brixton changes the subject, indicating it was done. From how energetic and happy they all are; they all got laid. I roll my eyes as I pull away from Brixton. I start running toward the building. I probably look like a drunk person trying to run with wiggly legs. I know I'm not running straight.

"I'm too fat for this." I groan, holding my stomach as I run.

Oh, my lungs feel on fire. My head pounding and my throat burns. I don't even have enough saliva in my mouth to swallow anymore.

My eyes light up as I see the guys and Royal standing outside waiting on us. Royal cheers us on while the guys stare unamused. Royal ran track in highschool so these few miles were easy for her.

My heart races even faster when I smell Prince's very distinctive scent. Cologne mixed with his body wash and cinnamon laced around him. My eyes dart to the door and Prince is walking down the steps of the building wearing nothing but basketball shorts and shoes. His muscles are bulging and his abs are looking finer than I remember. Scratches are marked on his shoulders and a tiny hickie lies above his collarbone. Did I give him those?

I think I did.

His grey-blue waterfalls lock with mine and I run a little faster from the impulse I got and the heated feeling going straight to my core.

"I fucking hate you," I choke out as I reach them. "I mean, six miles? What the fuck." I whine as I drop to the floor for the second time. I take off my long sleeved shirt, leaving me in a navy blue sports bra, and lay on the ground catching my breath.

"Here," Avery says handing me a bottle of water and my eyes widen.

"Oh, I love you, Avery. Thank you." I say sitting up as the room is spinning.

"You're going to puke," Prince irritatedly says as he watches me chug the water. I glare at him as I toss the empty bottle of water behind me as the stomach cramps start to twist and turn.

"Fuck," I whisper holding my stomach as I try to stand up. "Fuck," I whisper again as I turn to the side and puke up the junk food and tacos I ate last night to control my emotions.

"Everyone, inside. Give Layla a few minutes." Royal encourages and I listen to the door open and their footsteps go in as I continue puking.

"Fuck this. Fuck running. Fuck Prince." I angrily grunt as I sit up on my knees and wipe my mouth with the back of my hand and look up at the sky, closing my eyes. "I fucking hate you,"

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