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Everyone was watching you," Prince tells me as he licks his lips.

"I didn't notice," I whisper, watching Prince squeeze my thigh before running his feather-like fingers in circles up and down my leg getting closer to my juicy pussy as we drive home.

Prince looks down at my white, silk dress. It goes halfway up my thighs, and the front is lowcut, showing off the top of my tits. "You are a star. I can't wait to rip this dress off of you and praise you for such good behavior."

"Good behavior?" I smirk, looking at him. I grab his hand, covering it with mine.

Prince nods. "Yes, sweetheart. You were very good. You made everyone believe we were madly in love. I didn't even see you look at any guy unless one was talking to me."

"I wonder how many women were hit tonight because they were all lushing over you." Many women had their eyes locked in on Prince and their dares were extremely pissed off.

Prince chuckles. "I'm yours for the whole year. I don't believe in cheating."

"It's not cheating, you're free to do whomever you want."

"You're okay with me sleeping with other women while I'm telling the world you're my wife?" Prince's voice is a dead tone. It was on verge.

But, verge of what? His face is emotionless, but anger wasn't in his body language.

"You don't need to put on a show for me. I want you to live your normal lifestyle. That's the only way I see this going back to normal when it's over."

I jump when the car starts ringing. Even with low volume, it made the car shake, scarying the shit out of me. I chuckle at myself, as my eyes glance at the name flashing on the screen. Brixton?

I know a Brixton. I just didn't know one worked for Prince. I didn't see him tonight, but there was security spread throughout the whole place. Two guards were on each entrance, inside and outside.

"What?" Prince hisses. His walls are up, he's upset.

"Warehouse on second. We lost four men." Brixton growls in the phone, hanging up.

My heart races. I know that voice.

They lost four men? Like dead?

Prince takes his hand off my thigh, leaving me achy and cold from his loss of touch. I didn't have enough time to feel the loss from his touch ad he spins the car around and wipes in and out of traffic, speeding like a madman. I'm surprised Avery and Benji can catch up; they're following behind us.

"In the contract, I told you that you'd witness things and hear things that will never be repeated.."

"I know what you do." Royal was honest about who her family is. Even the biggest celebrities doesn't have as much security detail as the powerful Moretti family. The event last night has over sixty guards. Ten of them surrounding Prince and I. "I know I'll die if I ever tell anyone."

Prince stares at me with a tint in his eyes. "Who I am when I'm with you, isn't who I am in here."

"You don't need to-"

"I need you to know that I'll never hurt you. The only time I'll ever put your life at risk is when you suck my dick, sweetheart." Prince promises and for some reason, I believe him.

I get out of the car when Avery, one of the guards, opens my door. I'm surprised, but glad that Prince didn't try to force me to stay in the car. He's inviting me into his world, trusting me wholeheartedly into it.

I've never felt so accepted before.

Prince hardened as soon as we walked inside the warehouse. The iron smell made my stomach turn as I looked around at the four dead men laying on the ground. Two of them were shot while one has his throat sliced and another one has a bag tied around his face.

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