~ XXV ~

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After two long days of torturing and murdering my father, Legend, and partially Taju, I showered. Clearing my head, the frustration and the weight of the world that weighed heavily on my shoulders.

I killed six powerful members and their families, friends and associates. Brawler had one of his undercover men tell a few of his 'friends' what happened and I was declared the most powerful, feared leader as the news that I killed everyone made its way around the world. My phone hasn't stopped ringing since with congratulations pouring in from allies and newfound supporters, applauding my audacity and strength. The orders for supplies and requests for alliances were a testament to my newfound status as a feared leader. A few even declared how powerful love can be and how love can draw you to do the extreme.

As the water cascaded down my body, washing away the remnants of the day's chaos, I couldn't help but reflect on the path that led me here. The choices I made, the sacrifices I endured-all for her. Layla, the only woman who had captured my heart from the moment our eyes first met.

Layla was a victim of the corrupt world I found myself entangled in. She had suffered at the hands of those powerful members, their tyranny leaving a trail of devastation in their wake. Determined to protect her, I had embarked on a relentless quest for justice, a mission that had led to the bloodshed I had just orchestrated.

As I stepped out of the shower, a sense of both triumph and remorse washed over me. The weight of the world on my shoulders had shifted, replaced by the burden of responsibility. I knew the power I now possessed could be used to reshape the world, to bring about change and ensure a safer future for Layla and others like her. Woman shouldn't have to fear a man and be his puppet. Maybe in bed, if she's into it, but not against her will. Not the way Layla was orchestrated.

Dressed in a plain t-shirt and shorts, I made my way downstairs, the weight of recent events still heavy on my mind.
The housekeepers moved swiftly, their footsteps echoing through the hallways as they emptied the rooms of those who had betrayed me and set up for the new ones coming in.

As I continued through the house, a sense of anticipation filled the air. The mansion, once a symbol of decadence, was now being transformed into a fortress of resilience and strength.

Passing my office, I noticed the table where maps and documents were laid out, waiting to be deciphered and strategized upon. It was here that we would plan our next moves, assess risks, and forge alliances. The room exuded an air of determination, as if it were brimming with the collective willpower of everyone involved in this fight.

I took a moment to reflect on the journey that had led me here. The sacrifices made, the battles fought, and the lives forever changed. My gaze shifted to a nearby wall, where a small photograph of Layla hangs. She was the driving force behind everything, the reason why I had chosen this path. Protecting her was my ultimate goal, and I would stop at nothing to ensure her safety.

So why couldn't I see her?

As the days stretched on without any contact from Layla, an internal battle raged within me. Conflicting emotions swirled, leaving me torn between understanding her reasons and feeling betrayed by her lack of trust. I couldn't shake the sting of her disappearance, the realization that she had kept me in the dark about her plans.

In the solitude of my thoughts, I replayed the events that had unfolded, trying to make sense of it all. The memories of her torturing Taju mingled with the memory of her radiant beauty, and I couldn't deny the magnetic pull she had on my heart. The longing to touch her, to feel her presence, grew stronger with each passing moment.

Yet, the weight of betrayal lingered, overshadowing my desire to embrace her once more. I questioned the depths of our connection - if she truly trusted and valued our love, why hadn't she confided in me? Had she doubted my loyalty or underestimated my resolve to protect her?

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