Ch. 14 Old Sins

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Yoongi was missing.

The brothers had called all hands on deck putting every ear to the ground, hoping to catch a wind of anything even remotely related to Yoongi or Bangtan.

But so far there was no news. It had already been four days since they had figured something was up. Namjoon, Hobi and Jimin barely came home these days. Since the estate had to be kept off the grid, they were operating from Seoul to better coordinate with their men.

Jungkook had gone to Daegu and was due back today. Daegu was Yoongi's home town before he had joined the gang in Seoul. He still had ties there. Jungkook had gone to find out if he could trace his steps there.

Sua could barely function, she was worried out of her mind. Her brother was in trouble, she could feel it in her bones. She prayed day and night for his safe return.

She had just turned to bed when she heard a car outside. She ran to the window in her room checking who it was. Hobi got out of the car followed by Jungkook, Namjoon and Jimin. They were talking amongst themselves but she was too high up to hear them. She quickly ran downstairs while they were just entering.

"Did you find anything?" She asked.

"Nothing solid yet, no. You should go back to sleep Sua. We will let you know if there's anything." Jimin said softly as he put his hands on her shoulders and squeezed slightly. "Don't worry too much ok." He whispered close to her ears, leading her back to the stairs.

Her eyes met Jungkook's, he looked uncomfortable. She wanted to ask him if he had found anything in Daegu but Jimin was pulling her away.

She had barely closed her eyes when the voices whispering outside her room woke her.

"She deserves to be there just as much as anyone else."

Tae, she recognised.

"But she just went back to sleep less than an hour ago. We will tell her tomorrow morning" the other person whispered.


"No Jin hyung called a family meeting. She's family, Jiminie." Tae sounded adamant.

So it was Jimin, she thought. Sua got off the bed and opened the door just as Tae rose his fist to knock.

"Jin hyung has called a meeting in the dining room." Tae explained. "There's news" he added at her confused expression.

They were all gathered around the dining table. Tae was still rubbing his eyes. It was 2:00 am, he had been fast asleep but this couldn't wait. Yoongi had been missing for almost ten days now and there was finally news. They all waited eagerly for Jin to tell them what was going on. Sua sat between Jimin and Tae. She was constantly fidgeting in her nervousness. Tae gently lay his hand over hers to calm her.

"I'm sorry for waking you all. But this couldn't wait. We have received information that Pyo Su-Bin has captured our brother." Jin began solemnly. "This seems primarily in retaliation to the recent execution of his brother and his men by Yoongi and Jungkook. The video was sent to Boss Choi who seems to have put a bounty on both your heads." He said looking at Jungkook. "I'm not yet sure where Yoongi's being held but he hasn't reached Busan yet. Once he's in Busan and Boss Choi has him........" his voice trailed away.

"Pyo Su-Bin, the drug lord?" Sua asked.

"How do you know about Pyo Su-bin?" Jungkook growled at her rising from his seat.

Sua went silent and looked at her feet in fear. She had reacted involuntarily.

"I asked you a damn question!!" He advanced on her menacingly.

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