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And so, it went on for two years. Two years Leya spent in that damn library, like she liked to say, learning Quenya. The first classes were the most complicated for the young girl. Luniteria made her work all day and at times she did not see the natural light of the trees for more than a week. But otherwise, Leya realized that life with the elves was great. She founded the food awesome, and the few people she met were awfully nice. And even though she would never admit it, always huffing and puffing and rolling her eyes when asked about this person, Luniteria has helped her a lot these last two years and her Quenya level was finally acceptable, some words still unknown, but Leya could have a decent, normal and easy conversation. Today was the big day according to Ilia. Indeed, Leya had found her behavior strange for a few days. Ilia seemed to be in a constant state of excitement and dressed her more and more luxuriously, not wanting her to go out without some jewels that raised her skin tone. It looks like I am going to be adopted, Leya joked in her mind, but she was sure Manwë wasn't going to give her to someone. She decided then to ask Ilia directly about her comportment.

"Ilia. What is going on today that makes you so... uh..." Leya searched for her words, the poor word happy not wanting to be translated into Quenya and remained English in her mind.

"Happy?" Ilia said with a sweet smile. Leya nodded while responding

"Yeah. The word had escaped me.

-Well my dear Leya, today Lord Manwë summoned you and even though I don't know the reason why he wants to see you, it seemed very important!"

Leya's eyes widened in surprise, more and more catastrophic scenarios looming in her mind, but she managed to keep her emotions under control and Ilia saw nothing. She let her comb her hair. Hair that miraculously had grown much more than normal and was no longer dry and damaged like before. Leya was sure it was something in their shampoo. She quietly wait while Ilia was doing her hair while continuing to babble but Leya had long since stopped listening. Manwë... I have not seen him in a while. In fact, I have not seen him at all since he brought me here. So, if I am going to see him it must be really important. But what is it? I do not know, the young girl thought sadly that her caregiver didn't met her once in two years.

Once Ilia had finished, she went with Leya to a door she had never seen before and wished he good luck before leaving the girl alone at the door.

Leya knocked and waited for permission before entering. Inside stood Manwë and a couple. When he saw his pupil enter, he gave her a big smile and beckoned her to come closer. He placed his hand on Leya's lower back, urging her to walk to the center of the room and began to speak in a voice as sweet as honey.

"Come on Leya, I need to introduce you to some people."

The young human approached slowly, as the couples turned to her. The elleth gave her a sweet smile and you could see a maternal halo surrounding her, the ellon with his blond hair radiated a mage-like beauty and you could see by their attire that they were not normal elves, but elves with high status. Manwë

"This is Finarfin and his wife Eärwen."

Good, Leya thought, At least I avoid the cliché of 'I'm being adopted by Fëanor and Nerdanel'. For the girl, this branch of the tree was still much too close to Fëanor's family, not really knowing how to be grateful for what was being offered. It seemed quite obvious that Manwë was not going to keep her sequestered in his silver castle without almost any contact. I do not think I have a choice. She thought.

Manwë approached her and put his hands on her shoulders before lowering himself so that their eyes were at the same level and interrupted Leya's thoughts.

"It's been two years since you arrived here and... it can't be said that I've been the best host. Two years where I have not had the courage and time to visit you. That is why we are here today. To introduce you to whom you will be residing for a while."

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