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To tell the truth, their entrance did not cause much of a stir. In fact, even though Nenlissë was supposed to be the star of the evening, no one paid any attention to her. Her family was extraordinary enough as it was, but it was the presence of a certain person that attracted all the attention. Standing in the center of the room, surrounded by a dozen or so people, was Manwë. He has come! Nenlissë exclaimed mentally before turning to Teivel.

"Do you mind if we go see Manwë?

-It's no problem," the elf replied, "I've never had the honor of speaking to him before...

-Then this will be the occasion !"

Nenlissë took his hand in hers and joyfully led him to Manwë. The latter , seeing his pupil approaching, apologized and approached the duo. While he cast a questioning glance at the elf who accompanied the young woman, he greeted him with a brief nod of the head.

"Leya, it's been a while, how are you?

-Perfectly well, thank you Manwë. Did you receive my letter?

-Yes, just before I left." He tilted his head toward Teivel and gave him a small smile. "I don't think we've been introduced. You are?

-Teivel, Knight of Lord Finarfin, at your service Manwë."

Manwë nodded before turning his attention back to Nenlissë.

"I will leave you two, your father awaits me to discuss my dear Leya.

-It has been an honor Manwë." She replied with a small bow. "I hope to see you again soon."

No sooner had Manwë left, than another elf came to introduce himself to Nenlissë and began a conversation in which he spoke to himself, the young woman's attention drawn to the couples dancing behind her interlocutor.

"Would you like to dance, my lady?" Teivel asked, stealing Nenlissë's attention. She gave him a warm smile and placed her hand in his as she replied.

"It would be my pleasure, my knight," she gave him a mischievous smile and a wink before turning to the elf in front of her. "I'm sorry, but I'll have to leave you, my partner wants to go dancing. Have a nice day."

Teivel led her to the dance floor and a waltz began. Nenlissë quickly put her hands in place and didn't protest when he pulled her closer to his torso than they should have been. She lifted her head to meet his eyes and his gaze softened as he saw her smile.

"You're quite a good dancer, darling," he said, "I really thought you were going to step on my foot the whole time."

She slapped his biceps gently, which made him laugh and drew some attention to them. Nenlissë caught a few people staring at their couple and blushed slightly, but Teivel saw it.

"Am I making you uncomfortable?" he asked, tilting his head to the side.

"Oh no, you're perfect. I mean, I'm fine. You don't bother me at all.

-Then why are you so nervous, sweetheart?

-It's just... that... a lot of people are watching us."

Obviously Nenlissë was overreacting. No more than three people were watching them dance, the others, who might have been disturbed by Teivel's laugh, had gone back to their discussion and forgotten about the couple. Teivel noticed that Nenlissë was stressing over nothing, but he said nothing, it suited him that his dance partner didn't want to be in the room anymore.

"Then do you want to leave?" he asked gently raising his hand which was on the hip of Nenlissë to wait for the beginning of her ribs, approaching his face of the young woman so that their bodies are completely stuck and that their heads are only a few inches one of the other. Nenlissë could not help but let her gaze fall on the lips of the elf in front of her and her face was covered with a shade of red, she stammered a few unintelligible words before slowly raising her gaze in that of Teivel and regaining control of her voice.

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