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"Do we really have to go, love?" Nenlissë asked, braiding her hair as Teivel was finishing to get dressed. "My beloved, I know your worries about what is about to happen but believe me when I tell you that nothing will harm you." He walked to her side and extended his hand for her to take. She got up with a little pour, expressing her wish to stay at their home. Teivel laughed at it before pressing his lips to her forehead. "Do not frown, sweetpea and just enjoy the fact that this party is going to be our first event as a married couple."

Nenlissë let him convince her to go and before she knew it, they were traveling to the Trees. They took two days to reach them, stopping more than once to rest and pass some quality time together in the woods. When they arrived, Nenlissë dismounted and, before Teivel could stop her, ran toward her cousin she had saw from afar. Turko laughed when he saw her ran and parted from the pack his family was making to hug her mid run, almost making them fall on the ground. "Hello there, Lissë. Longtime not to see you" He said with a bright smile. "I agree" She nodded, smiling too. Turko took a step back when Teivel walked to their side, his arm going to snake it's way around Nenlissë's waist. Teivel looked at Turko with a condescending gaze, his hand steadily resting on his wife's hip, marking his territory. "Celegorm." He said with a nod. "Teivel" Turko replied with a cold voice but his expression changed at soon as he looked back at his cousin. "I guess I'll see you a bit later, Lissë" He gave her a last smile before turning away and leaving the couple. Teivel grip tightened in Nenlissë's hip and he suddenly pressed his head against her neck, biting her skin. Nenlissë, surprised by the sudden bite, let out a little yelp before glaring at her husband. "What was that!" She asked him, a slight anger in her voice. "Marking you as mine" Teivel hissed back. "Since you and that dumb elf have so much difficulties understand it" He sneered at his wife before looking back in front of him. "You didn't needed to do this." The human replied, bringing a hand to the mark he had left on her skin. "You know I'm yours." At her words, Teivel glared at her. "Sometimes I find hard to believe you when you tell me that. Even more when you decide to run to another male and hug him as if he was your lover." Nenlissë only rolled her eyes "Your jealousy is childish, Teivel. As far as I know, I'm bonded to you."

Teivel stared at her before taking off his arm from her waist. "That's it. I don't want to see you. Just go find your family or that imbecile of cousin. I'm leaving."

At his sudden outburst, Nenlissë tried to reach for him but he slapped her hand away. "Don't, Lissë. I'm not in the mood for your pathetic excuses." He hissed before walking away from her until he disappeared in the crowd.

Left alone, Nenlissë searched for her family and found them in front of Manwë's throne, discussing. When she saw how the two branches of her family were separated, our protagonist tilted her head. Oh. Now she remember what happen. What she had missed. The banishment of Fëanor from Tirion after he half-threatened Fingolfin with a sword. She carefully approached them, joining her sister's side. Artanis smiled at her sister when she saw her.

"What's happening?" Nenlissë whispered to the blonde elf.

"Fëanor is whining." Artanis replied and Nenlissë hold back a smile before nudging her sister "What's really happening?

-I think Manwë is trying to make peace between Fëanor and Uncle."

Nenlissë only nodded, trying to remember what she had read while watching the scene unfold in front of her.

Fëanor was wearing simple clothes, unfitting for the party around us. Her uncle was beside him, both in front of Manwë.

Fingolfin extended a hand to his half-brother "As I promised, I do now. I release you, and remember no grievance." Fëanor took his hand and remained silent, with Fingolfin then adding. "Half-brother in blood, full brother in heart will I be. You shall lead and I will follow. May no new grief divide us." to which Fëanor replied "I hear you, so be it."

The two elf parted and at the same moment, the gold and silver lights mended together, making everything shine.

All began to discuss together and Nenlissë finally decided to find back her husband, worrying for him as she knew what was going to happen.

"Has anyone seen Teivel?" She asked but no one replied, no one hearing her.

Nenlissë sighed before leaving her family's side, searching for the missing elf. She searched everywhere, asking and walking until her feet hurt. What surprised her most, was that almost nobody knew who was Teivel, the name sounding strange and unknown for multiples elves. Finally, she only had one last place to search. Around the Trees. A place she had avoided, not wanting to be close to them, in case something happened. With a wary gaze, she looked around the Trees, searching from afar if she saw her beloved. And unfortunately or fortunately, he was there. "Teivel!" She called before trying to reach his mind but she was blocked by something. With a frown, she called for him again, walking faster toward the Trees. Her eyes caught a glimpse of black, a strange and large shadow coming toward her elf.

Nenlissë felt her gut twist and began to run toward Teivel, shouting his name, drawing some eyes on her. But her target, her husband didn't seemed to hear her. Didn't turned around.

"Teivel! Wait!" She tried again and a bright glimmer of light blinded her for some seconds, forcing the human girl to stop her jog. When she opened her eyes again, Teivel wasn't there anymore. A giant, a Vala had took his place. Dark armor dressing him, a hammer in hand. The human stumbled and fell on the ground, fear draw on her face.

She saw a enormous spider coming from the moving shadows, attacking the sacred Trees, the source of light.

In her mind, every things, every memories were a mess. Fear and confusion clouded her thoughts. Until her eyes fell on the blade on the Vala's hip. A stick compared to his height. His sword. Teivel. Or should we call him Melkor?

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