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Nenlissë turned violently towards the voice and found herself close, even too close for her taste, to the face of an elf. Is that really an elf? The person in front of her was smiling at her, a smile that, from afar, could have looked like a warm smile, but up close, one could see the coldness in the smile. A coldness that quickly put at ease our protagonist. The elf took malicious pleasure to observe the poor reactions of Nenlissë. Indeed, this one, submerged in front of her beauty had a mouth slightly half-opened but which betrayed her surprise. Her glance made back and forth between his lips and his eyes.

"I did not think that I would disturb you so much, my dear..."

The elf, gently, raised one of his hands to put it on the right biceps of our heroine before exerting a small pressure there. This one did nothing but follow with her eyes his movement and when his hand was in contact with her skin, she left her torpor. Nenlissë tried to disengage herself delicately not to offend her interlocutor but his grip was too strong for her to succeed in disengaging herself without force.

"I'm sorry, but I don't know who you are.

-But what am I head in the air", said the man while letting escape a small laugh, I had completely forgotten to introduce myself."

He let his hand slide from her bicep to Nenlissë's hand, making her shiver. With a smile and a look of amusement at her reaction, he brought Nenlissë's hand to his lips but instead of just hovering over the back of her hand with his lips, he placed his lips on the girl's wrist and remained in that position for several long seconds. The eyes of Nenlissë found themselves blocked by those of her interlocutor and she could not prevent her cheeks from blazing under the amused and victorious glance of the elf.

"Teivel is my humble name"

Teivel? I'll have to relax then. Indeed, Nenlissë had had, for some reason, the impression that the elf in front of her was Melkor, after all, his physique stuck to all the fan arts she had seen, and the little of the behavior she had seen resembled the one she had read in the multiple fan fictions that populated her history search. Because yes. Without ever wanting to admit it to her friends, Nenlissë had, well hidden, a folder where she saved all the fan fiction about Melkor. She loved them without ever really knowing why...

"Nice to meet you Teivel, I am Nenlissë."

She smiled at him, her suspicions raised, and relaxed her muscles, no longer trying to free her wrist from Teivel's hand at all, the contact even bringing her some comfort. Teivel returned her smile, this one a little warmer than the others, and spoke.

"Nenlissë? Please forgive me, Lady, my actions were out of place given your title.

-Don't worry Teivel, leave the Lady out of it."

He nodded, and letting go of Nenlissë's wrist, stood up before extending his arm to her.

"How about a walk in the gardens with me my dear?"

Nenlissë, acquiesced and passed her arm under Teivel's before placing her hand on his forearm, a hand he covered with his own. A slight blush came to our heroine's cheeks as they walked slowly and Teivel's thumb caressed the back of her hand.

They spent several dozen minutes visiting the gardens while discussing everything and anything. Nenlissë had quickly forgotten her discomfort at their meeting and now stood closer and closer to Teivel. When they arrived at the only greenhouse, Nenlissë was on the verge of tears, laughing like a woman possessed, holding her stomach, and forgetting all the etiquette classes she had taken. Teivel, on the other hand, was laughing just as hard but with more grace and they had to sit down on one of the benches on either side of the greenhouse door so that Nenlissë could catch her breath. With a big smile on her lips and eyes filled with joy, she took the elf's hands in hers and he intertwined their fingers without Nenlissë paying much attention.

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