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She couldn't believe her eyes. What she was seeing, the truth laying bare in front of her. With frantic hands she tried to get up, her movements catching Ungoliant attention. Before the monster could jump on the human, a hand ordered her not to and to do what it was supposed to. Nenlissë with panic glanced a last time at her supposed husband before running straight away from the Trees.

In her run, she stumbled into Turko, the elf himself seemed terrified. He wrapped his arms around the human and Nenlissë hugged him back. Chaos surrounded them as all the elves were panicking because of the sudden darkness, the Valar seeming frozen, like deers caught between headlights. The human was frightened, frozen in her cousin arms as they observed the Valar finally act and make Ungoliant leave, Melkor had already flee.

"Are you alright?" Turko finally asked his cousin as he felt her shake in his arms, "Nenlissë, what's wrong?" He asked, one of his hand reaching to cup her cheek and felt some tears on his palm "Darling, what's happening? Why are you crying?"

"I'm so sorry" The woman sobbed, "I'm sorry"

Turko was discountenanced by her sudden apologies "Why are you sorry, Lissë? Is it because of the argument between our parents? Don't worry about that, they got cross a lot of time, they are brother."

Nenlissë shook her head "No... Turko... It's Teivel... He..."

Her cousin's grip on her shoulders tightened, "What have he done. Did he hurt you? Where? When?"

"No, he... Teivel is Melkor, Turko. I saw him.

-What are you talking about? Teivel... is Melkor?

-Yes, yes he is. And he destroyed the light of the Trees with a spider named Ungoliant. It's his fault. We need... We need to tell the others or-"

"Wait. You knew this was going to happen? You knew?" He cut her off with a frown.

"I-Yes but I couldn't say anything!" Nenlissë was panicking, trying to cling at her cousin and make him believe her. "Turko, please, you have to believe me... It's more complicated that it seem to be!"

The elf stared at his cousin before sighing "Alright. I believe you. But you'll have to explain everything to me later." He looked around them and saw how the calm was finally arriving, as the elves gathered around the Valar, guided by the stars of Varda.

The two cousins joined back their families, staying close from eachother in case something happened. The elves were silent as Yavanna rose and stood upon Ezellohar, she laid her hands upon the Trees, but they were dead and dark, and each branch that she touched broke and fell lifeless at her feet. Dust began to fly around the elves and Valar, as they mourned the death of the Trees. Nenlissë was fixing at Manwë then at Fëanor, knowing anxiously what was going to happen. She took Turko's hand in hers and squeezed tight and gave him a little smile when he looked down at her.

"Is there a problem, Lissë?" He whispered and she shook her head "Do not worry, Turko. Just... Listen."

Yavanna had begin to speak "The Light of the Trees has passed away, and lives now only in the Silmarils of Fëanor. Foresighted was he! Even for those who are mightiest under Illuvatar there is some work that they may accomplish once, and once only. The Light of the Trees I brought into being, and within Ea I can do so never again. Yet had I but a little of that light I could recall life to the Trees, ere their roots decay; and then our hurt should be healed, and the malice of Melkor be confounded."

Then Manwë spoke and said: "Hearest thou, Fëanor son of Finwë, the words of Yavanna? Wilt thou grant what she would ask?"

There was long silence, but Fëanor answered no word. The Valar begin to argue, some wanting for Fëanor to speak up, others wanting to let him some times to think as the decision was important.

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