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Back in the house, Nenlissë wasted no time hanging around in the hall and went straight up to her room where Artanis and Eärwen were waiting for her. The older of the two approached her adopted daughter as she entered the room and took her hands in hers.

"I guess Finrod must have told you about our project...

-Yes, and I think it's a good idea. But could I invite some people?"

Artanis had a mischievous smile form on her face and placed a hand on her sibling's shoulder.

"Do we have a lover to introduce?"

Nenlissë blushed slightly which did not escape Eärwen and her daughter. Both of them could not help but want to know more and after five minutes, Nenlissë let herself be convinced to tell them.

"I met him today, so it doesn't mean anything... but...

-But?" Artanis asked, impatient as ever, "Tell us everything!

-He's a friend of Finrod's, his name is Teivel and we've... maybe spent a lot of time talking and walking around the gardens?"

Artanis seemed to search her mind to paste a face with Teivel's name but it was Eärwen who reacted first.

"Teivel? Has he come back? He is a great friend of your brothers and a very nice elf. I'm sure you'll do well together.

-You will show him to me, I really can't remember..." Artanis said before changing the subject and opening the doors of Nenlissë's wardrobe, "Well, enough of this chitchat, we have a ball to prepare and dresses to order!"

Eärwen nodded and took her daughters in her arms.

"Artanis is right, this will be your first ball Nenlissë, so you will have to learn some things, like dancing...

-And you'll have to find a partner!


-Yes!" exclaimed Artanis, "that's the whole point of a ball! You find yourself a beautiful partner and you show him to everyone! Plus, since this will be your first dance, your partner is very important because he will have your first dance!"

Is it like the Middle Ages? Like a debutante ball and everything? It sounds like it... Nenlissë thought, but the idea of wearing a beautiful dress and dancing with a fairy tale partner filled her with joy.

So, in the good mood and excitement of the coming ball, Artanis, Nenlissë and Eärwen spent the late afternoon preparing lessons, appointments and talking.


It was only two days later that Nenlissë, between dance lessons and extra etiquette to know exactly what to do at the ball, was able to quickly write a letter to her new friend. With her heart pounding, she wrote only a few words and gave the paper to a servant to bring it to her as soon as possible. She then took a few minutes to calm the pounding of her heart and the butterflies that swirled in her abdomen. You see, Nenlissë unfortunately had no experience with love, which made her idealistic about love and she fell in love way too quickly.

Once her classes were over and the last appointment with the tailor was over, she went to change into a lighter dress, gave herself a little makeover and hurried down the stairs of the manor to return to the pool where she had first met Teivel.

When she arrived at the fish pond, Nenlissë recognized Teivel from behind and trotted towards him. Thanks to his hearing, he had heard her coming and had turned around. He came to meet her and was ready to take her in his arms before changing his mind, taking only her hands in his.

"How are you?" he said, caressing Nenlissë's palms with his thumbs, "Aren't you too tired with the preparation of the ball?"

The young woman shook her head before answering him.

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