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Nenlissë wondered which reaction was more iconic. Hers or Celegorm's. Considering that the bugger actually ate a fly. A. Fly. Then vomited. On Nenlissë's feet. He had eaten something not very fresh this morning, and the trip, and the emotions, plus the fly. All mixed up, he got sick. The start of the challenge was postponed and so now they just have to spend the night in the forest, so they do not have to wait in the forest for the evening to come and then avoid Arafinwë's soldiers. Nenlissë was in the guest room waiting for him to wake up, because he decided to take a nap after they treated him, to tell him that they have to spend the rest of the day with each other to prepare their plan for tonight. Ten minutes passed. Then twenty and still nothing. Celegorm would not wake up. Well, I am going to have to do it the hard way. Flemme to sit in this chair until dark. Let us get ready to run. And fast. Nenlissë's hand went and stopped on her dear cousin's cheek. Who leaped to his feet. And pointed at her.

"How dare you!"

She expected worse, or she will regret it bitterly tonight.

"Look, I couldn't wait for you, Sleeping Beauty, to take three years to wake up and not be able to predict how we want to survive the night. Nenlissë said, with an exhausted voice.

-It is pretty simple. There will be no 'we'. I don't want to be on a team with you. Or anybody else.

-Ah okay. You want to play it like this. Nice. You should have told me before, I would not have spent twenty minutes doing anything here. Well then. Ciao."

She walked out of the room and left without seeing that Celegorm had tried to stop her or his disappointed look. The girl found Angrod and Finrod in the living room, both of them stop talking when she dropped down next to them on the sofa. Angrod gently tossed her a pillow.

"So? Are we here to spy on his brothers? Our dear cousin is so afraid of losing that he is trying to coax us with you?"

Nenlissë rolled her eyes and scoffed.

"I don't know if he's afraid of losing, but in any case, if he wants to win, he's made it clear to me that it would be on his own!"

Finrod grimaced and patted his sister on the shoulder to comfort her.

"Turko is at an age where he can't really express himself clearly. To express what he thinks. And he has a strong tendency to say what he does not mean at the moment... I am sure everything will work out and you will get on well. You just started on the wrong foot."

Angrod nodded and ruffled her hair, eliciting a small cry of displeasure. Not the hair! And isn't hair kind of sacred among elves? She thought while pushing away the hand of her older brother.

"He's going to be here in no time to beg your forgiveness because even though Celegorm can act tough, he's a real angel inside. You should see him with his little brothers, you would think he was another person! Tried to reassure Finrod

-Yeah. Okay, we will talk about it tomorrow. We will talk about it in the morning anyway."

Nenlissë stood up and waved goodbye to her two brothers, she left the room, and after a quick diversion to her room to grab some paper and writing materials, the girl headed out into the gardens, hoping to find enough peace to concentrate and make a little plan.

Unfortunately for her, it seemed that the universe had other plans, for as soon as she stepped outside she was attacked by a clod of earth, but she managed to narrowly avoid it before her shirt turned from a cream color to brown. Artanis seemed to have decided that the gardens had become her territory with Aegnor and that no one could come. As Nenlissë retreated to the shooting range, she had, of course, to run into Celegorm. I would never have any peace. She was going to ignore him completely and walk past without having seen anything but he grabbed her by the sleeve, preventing her from continuing on my way.

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