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Nenlissë slept for a long time, the sun had had time to pass on the other side, the morning before the afternoon. When she awoke, her insides showed their lack of nourishment and the young woman turned scarlet by the roar they made. She turned to her lover to see if he had heard the noise, but the elf was sleeping peacefully beside her.

He turned around, his head on her lap. Nenlissë laughed softly and put her hand in his hair, beginning to pet him. "We should go Teivel." He hummed before standing up and taking the woman in his arms "And you're hungry" He replied, laughing at her blush. Still, carrying her in his arms, Teivel walked to their horses. He let her get on Aclar and mounted his own horse. With a smile, he began to make his way to Alqualondë. Nenlissë caught up with him and set Aclar's pace on Teivel's mount.

"Where are we heading?

-To Alqualondë.

-No, but where are we going to eat?" The young woman replied, clarifying her question.

-Aha! You'll see!"

The young woman rolled her eyes but kept smiling.

The end of the journey was spent in a comfortable silence, with the two young people exchanging a few words with their minds.

By the time they reached Alqualondë, the sun had passed its zenith. They trotted through the streets of the town, Nenlissë following Teivel and observing the few stalls and shops that caught her eye. Teivel made them stop in front of a small house. He put his foot down and encouraged Nenlissë to do the same. Then they entered through a small porch into the cottage's garden.

"You can leave Aclar free in the garden," he said as he closed the gate, the sounds of the city slightly muffled by the steel doors.

"We're..." began Nenlissë, her tone of voice excited. She turned to her lover with a big smile. "We're at your place?" She finally finished her sentence with a small laugh.

The elf chuckled before nodding "That's right. This is my... little home. And..." He trails "I'd like it if..." He seemed to hesitate before clearing his throat, "That it becomes our little home? Once the engagement has taken place."

Nenlissë didn't waste a second before throwing herself around his neck, placing a long kiss on his cheek. "That would be an awesome idea! Teivel laughed, kissing her hair "You are my everything, love. Mine only." He mutters, pressing kisses on the crown of her hair.

"I have my stuff, should we go eat our picnic?

- You really aren't going to tell me where we're going?" she asked again, giving him puppy-eyes.

But the elf resisted, shaking his head, breaking their hug, just keeping her hand in his and leading them to their horses.

"You'll quickly understand, I'm sure of it." He just replied before opening the portal and mounting on his horse.

Nenlissë tried to fish unto his mind where he was leading them, but nothing to do, Teivel only kept thinking about how beautiful either his lover or the sky was today. But like he said, it didn't take long for Nenlissë to understand where he was leading them. The sea stretched as far as the lovers could see, the light from the Trees making the water sparkle like a hundred diamonds.

"We're going to the beach!" she exclaimed, turning to her lover. The elf nodded with a wry smile and urged his horse on, the water and sand getting closer by the second. Laughing, Nenlissë urged Aclar into a gallop to catch up with her companion. She overtook him and, with a cry of joy, rode onto the beach. The sand flew as Aclar rode towards the water. Little by little, Nenlissë made him slow down before putting her foot down and watching Teivel join her at a slow trot. Nenlissë knelt down in the sand and breathed in the sea air, the smell of salt and water so familiar and so dear to her. Teivel came to sit beside her and put his arm around her shoulders to bring the human closer to his chest.

"Well?" He asked, smiling. "Do you like my second surprise?"

Nenlissë pressed her lips on his chin gently, snuggling against him before replying "I love it. I love you. I feel like... it's been an eternity since I last saw the sea." Her gaze was on the water, dying to go for a swim but she didn't wanted to let Teivel alone on the sand. Teivel made them lay on the sand, in a comfortable silence.

They stayed like that for several minutes before the human's belly came to attention, causing the elf to laugh.

"You must be starving, my dear. After all, humans need to eat a lot more than us, right?" he said with a warm smile.

Nenlissë nodded, still smiling before letting him take her up to their horses. He took his bag before walking, a hand in Nenlissë's, a little bit further on the beach before sitting down in the sand.

A few hours later, the food eaten, Nenlissë lay in the sand, eyes closed, Teivel gently playing with a strand of her hair.

"Marry me." Teivel suddenly said out of blue. "What?" was the first reaction of the human girl, staring dumbfounded at her lover. "Marry me." He repeated "We don't need to wait any more time." Lissë stayed silent for a moment before replying "Isn't a bit early? For marriage?" Teivel looked at her with a pained face. "Don't you love me? Am I... unworthy?"

Before the woman could reply, the elf was already on his foot and leaving their spot on the beach. Nenlissë quickly got up and grabbed his hand before he could leave too far.

"Wait! Teivel, you know that's rubbish!"

The elf turned around, his eyes glossy with tears. "Then why?" his voice was quivering "Why did you refused? I am not enough?"

And before the human could reply again, the sadness and pain were replaced by anger on Teivel's face, as if his mask slipped for a minute. He took his hand off hers, glaring at Nenlissë.

"No, it's not me the problem. It's you! The filthy human who thinks she can refuse an elf! All these efforts and time I put into you, into wooing you, was it worth nothing? Did I wasted my time?"

Nenlissë was like a fish out of water, looking at him with wide eyes. "W-What? Tei-"

Teivel cut her before she could reply and sighed. He posed his hands on the girl's shoulders, now speaking to her as if she was just a child who made a mistake.

"Look. You are different from us, Nenlissë but you need to adapt to us, to the elves. You are not one of us, but you need to stop acting like... a human. Because you are not surrounded by your kind. You are to act like an elf even if you will never be one of us. Because you are human." the last word came out of his mouth like a spat of disgust. "You are not supposed to be here. You don't belong here, Lissë. And that's why you must marry me the fastest possible. You need something to link you to this world that aren't yours and will never be. I am this thing. I am the link between you and the elves. You need me to finally belong somewhere, sweetheart."

Nenlissë continued to stare at her lover, silent. Teivel finally gave her a smile and gently rubbed her shoulders in a comforting way. One of his hand reached her chin to tilt the girl's head toward his before stealing her lips.

"But I do love you, my pretty girl. We're meant to be." His words and actions were like snakes, his kisses were promises of love that smoothed Nenlissë's mind and made her comply to his sweet words.

"Yes" she whispered "I'm sorry. I should have been smarter. I love you too Teivel, I'm sorry."

Teivel's lips formed a triumphant smile. "It's okay my dear. I'm happy you came to your senses."

He kissed her once more before looking into her eyes and whispering. "My sweet and docile fiance."

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