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Nenlissë began to gently open the back box where laid the gift Teivel had made for her. It was a beautiful and ornamented diadem.

"For the queen of my heart" The elf said with a little smile before taking the silver crown and pose it gently on his bride's head. "So you shall reign with me" he added in her mind, giving her a smirk as Manwë, with a flick of his wrist bide their spirits for eternity. Our two protagonists felt a warm sensation take over their bodies, their souls finally bond for eternity and beyond.

"You may kiss your bride" Manwë finally said, Teivel still having his eyes fixed on the crown resting on Nenlissë's head. Finally, he smiled, his hand coming to cup her chin, the other brushing a lock of her hair behind her ear before leaning in and pressing his lips to hers. She replied quickly to the kiss, her own hands going in his dark hair, their kiss more and more passionate as the seconds passed. When they parted, the two newlyweds stared into each others eyes for long seconds before someone in the crowd began to applaud, making them come back to reality and throw n out of their little world.

Soon, people came to give them their blessings and congratulations and the couple walked hands in hands toward the place where a feast was awaiting them.

But first, it seemed they had to waltz the first dance. As they took position on the grass, Nenlissë couldn't help a giggle, making Teivel raise a brow of curiosity.

"Why are you laughing, my dear?" he asked as they began to dance together. "Oh, nothing. It's just... all of this is so... medieval.


-Something of my world, She replied in his ind with a soft smile

Teivel just nodded, his hand on her lower back pressing her more closely to his body than it was necessary, so he could peak and kiss her lips, both laughing like teenagers in love until the song ended and someone cleared their throat beside them.

Teivel turned his head toward the intruder, his eyes flashing with anger. "What?" He snarled when he saw Turko standing beside them. The blonde elf stared at Teivel before looking at is cousin. "May I steal you for a dance, Lissë?" He asked, ignoring Teivel. The young woman looked at her newly husband then at her cousin before smiling at him. "You may."

Turko gave her a bright smile and Teivel stared at his wife with great jealousy. "Love.." He whispered before grabbing her chin a bit roughly and press a furious kiss on her lips. "Don't forget who you belong to, Nenlissë" He warned her by their bond before breaking their kiss and leaving the two cousins alone on the dance floor.

"That was...

-Shut up" Nenlissë cut her cousin, her cheeks burning from the kiss Teivel had just gave her and what he had said in her mind.

Turko let out a chuckle before extending a hand toward his cousin. "Shall we?" He asked and she just replied by a nod and posing her hand in his, the other going on his shoulder. The music began and they also began to dance, a never leaving smile on the elf's lips.

"You are truly a sight today my dear" He said softly "I hope you are delighted to have finally wed your lover" he added, a slight bitterness slipping with a words.

Nenlissë stayed silent for a few seconds before replying. "I am. And thank you again for forging the sword I had designed" She tried to change the subject but it only made Turko think about how he would never be the one to be gifted those gifts by the human. "It's nothing. i just ope he'll treat it well. And you." he said with a pained smile. "You look beautiful, so beautiful, Nenlissë" he whispered "I always dreamed what you would have looked like... at a wedding. I always thought... I-I would... Never mind." He turned his head away before looking back at Nenlissë. "Are you happy, truly? I know I've already asked it but... I can't help but worry for you"

She smiled at him, trying to reassure and comfort him, her hand rubbing his shoulder with a hint of tenderness. "I am Turko. I am happy. Truly. He treat me well, my cousin. Don't worry about me."

Turko smiled weakly at his cousin before pulling her in a tight hug in the middle of the dance. His arms wrapped around his waist, his head going to rest on her shoulder. Firstly surprised, Nenlissë froze before returning the hug, her arms wrapped around his neck. She could feel his breaths on her ear.

"I really... really need to let you go, Lissë" he whispered before taking a shaky inhale "Just hold me for a minute. Care only for me for a minute. I... I need to believe for a minute that it's to me you offered that sword and your soul"

Nenlissë stayed silent, not so surprised by Turko's confession and gave in his wish, holding him like a lover for a minute, the two of them swaying together. The were unaware of the gaze full of jealousy and hatred that was posed on them, the hand crisped on the silver cup, menacing to break it with sheer force.

As the last note of music was played, Turko pulled himself out of the hug, his eyes glossy as he looked lovingly in Lissë's eyes. "Thank you, my Lissë" he whispered before pressing a light kiss to her forehead. "Thank you" He mumbled against her skin, giving her a last smile and leaving before she could say a word. Nenlissë watched him leave and when he wa out of sight, she turned around, thinking about joining Teivel back next to the buffet but she bumped in her little sister, who grabbed her arm and pulled her to a private place where no one was supposed to hear or see them.

Nenlissë could hear Teivel's voice in her head. "Love? Darling? where are you?

-Teivel, I'm with Artanis, she seems to want to talk to me.

-Okay. Tell me when it's done. I want to pass some time with my wife.

Nenlissë felt her sister shook her shoulder. "Lissë. Stop talking to Teivel and listen to me." Nenlissë blinked and posed hand on Artanis'. "I'm here, sister. What did you wanted to talk about?"

The elf just sighed before looking straight in here sister eye's. "Nenlissë. I love you, you are my sister. You know I'll always support you in everything you do. I respect your choices and feelings but... you know that I have some... apprehensiveness concerning Teivel."

Nenlissë nodded, waiting for her sister to pursue her thoughts.

"I really, really have a bad feeling. About all of this. About this marriage. About your couple. And, for Illuvatar's sake, what was that with Celegorm? You... goodness." Artanis couldn't help the worry and slight indignation slip in her tone.

"Sister. Nothing happened. Turko is my cousin and my best friend. He... He was just a bit confused." Nenlissë replied "And for Teivel, I remember telling you that if something was strange, I would tell you."

Artanis sighed again before shaking her head. "I know, sister, I know. But I can't... Can't shake it off. It's eating me inside that bad feeling."

The two sisters stayed silent before Nenlissë gently hugged her little sister. "I promise I'll be careful, Artanis. Seriously. If that is what I need to do so your little genius brain calm down and is at easy, then I'll be careful. I will try to look for any suspicious behavior of my husband. But you must understand that even if I do all of this, I love Teivel. We're married. I swore fidelity to him. And I'll not annul our marriage without proofs that he is up to not good."

Artanis looked down before exhaling "I understand, Lissë. And I still hope that nothing will happen. That all of this is just some sibling jealousy because someone is taking my dear older sister from me." The elf let out a little laugh and it brought a smile on Nenlissë's lips. "You'll always be the first in my heart, little sister" She teased her and Artanis laughed "Idiot. You wouldn't want your husband to hear that, silly. Now off you go, I'm sure he's waiting for you" The elf smiled at her sister. Lissë smiled back before pressing a kiss on her sister's cheek and leaving their secluded spot to try to find Teivel.

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