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There was a tension in the air, an electricity that drew them together. Nenlissë looked into his eyes, knowing that this moment was special. Teivel took her face in his hands and smiled gently at her. She could feel her heart racing and her hands becoming sweaty. As if to reassure and relax her, he slowly and tenderly stroked her cheeks with his thumbs.

Then, still without saying a word, he leaned towards her and let his lips touch hers. Their kiss was soft, tender and passionate all at once. She responded to his kiss, and the world around them seemed to disappear, only the sensation of his lips on hers remained, and Nenlissë felt as if she no longer had to breathe, Teivel's lips becoming her air.

The arms of one wrapped around the other, and they held each other tightly. They kissed for a long time, savoring every moment. But far too quickly for the girl's liking, they parted.

"Have I told you that I love you?" Teivel asked with a smile on his face, "You are my light in the night Nenlissë, the center of my life and I could not imagine my life without you."

His statement made the young woman laugh softly and she took the elf back into her arms before planting a kiss on his nose.

"I love you more than anything in the world too, Teivel, but you don't need any extravagant phrases for me to understand that. I just need to look into your mind now!"

Nenlissë's words brought Teivel back to the surface of the earth, and with excitement he tried to speak to Nenlissë through her mind.

"Darling? Is it working?"

Before he could find out if his little experiment had worked, Nenlissë caught her head in her hands and let out a cry of pain. Frightened, Teivel took her in his arms and tried to calm her breathing by stroking her back and kissing her face.

"Nenlissë? What's wrong?

-I-it worked. I heard you, but..." her voice was trembling and she couldn't stop a few tears of pain from escaping her eyes, "Your voice was like a knife in my skull... I hurt so much Teivel!

-Shh, it will be alright Nenlissë. I know you are in pain, but you must try to talk to me, in my mind. We have to make sure it works.

-But I'm in so much pain... can't we wait a little?" she asked in a low voice.

-Better to strike while the iron is hot, my dear."

Nenlissë tried to imagine Teivel and with her imagination created a kind of bridge between their minds. Then she tried to speak, but just as her mind began to form a word, a second wave of pain washed over her mind. Keeping her eyes closed, she felt Teivel approach her and with a shaky voice, she muttered a no so he wouldn't touch her before trying again. This time, her mind already tingling with pain, she forced her way into her lover's head and dropped three words.

"I'm here."

Nenlissë felt all remaining strength in her body slip away and her legs gave out, having no energy to hold her up. Fortunately, Teivel caught her and laughed as he hugged the girl. She opened her eyelids to see the elf's bright smile and couldn't help but place a quick, light kiss on her lover's lips.

"I heard you! It works Nenlissë!

-It's a relief..." the girl murmured under her breath. "Do you think the pain will pass quickly?

-I don't know Nenlissë, it's probably because you're human that you hurt so much..."

Teivel unleashed his hatred of humans on Nenlissë and she, too obsessed with his beauty and her love for the elf, noticed nothing. Teivel broke away from the girl and took her hand in his before placing a kiss on her knuckles.

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