Chapter 2

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I woke up in the passenger seat of a car I looked around to see the same man before I could say anything he said "You alright there princess? That's a good beating he gave you "he said while not even looking at me purely focused on driving, a few minutes later he parked the car in front of a beautiful mansion and then finally looked at me, his emerald green eyes piercing their way into my heart, I felt the blood rushing into my cheeks, oh what I would do to see him smile.

He removed his seatbelt and got out of the car as I also started to remove my seatbelt he opened the door for me I couldn't help but let a weak little smile spread across my face which I swear he noticed and smiled back at or maybe it was just me craving his smile badly or hear him call me princess again, I started to get up as I felt a sharp pain in my stomach and fell back to the car seat "Woah easy there" he said in a soft whisper as he slowly picked me up in his arms and said "You probably got a bruise or a few".

As he carried me up the stairs I couldn't help but think of how strong he is carrying me up the stairs and how perfect his face was I knew he caught me staring at him but if he asks I have an excuse , I was just badly beaten and wasn't thinking ."We are her-"he was saying but suddenly paused "Chloe ? what are you doing here?" I turned around to see a blonde goddess I don't know why but a strong feeling took over me ,jealousy took over me such a beautiful blonde goddess in the most handsome man's house "well looks like you are staying in my room then princess" he said staring right into face which gave me goosebumps "Princess huh?" the blonde goddess said in a sweet voice "Whatever" he scoffed and carried me to his room.

"This is my room" he said I just nodded and then he set me down on his bed "I'll ask Chloe where I can get you some clothes because that dress is covered in blood and well my future wife gets the best things right? "he said still not smiling as i blurted out "W-wife?" "oh so you do speak then, "he said with a little chuckle.

. "W-what do you mean wife?" I said confused

"Well now, here's the thing princess your father is a bitch, and well he said I could have you so that he won't have to pay me my money and well I said yes at first I would've just given you a little house and all but then I saw you and you are one rare thing." he said as I noticed a little grin on his face" and my parents want me to get married as soon as possible" he completed. "oh ok," I said in a tiny voice.

He then removed his blazer and kept his gun on the nightstand right beside me which freaked me out and I let out a tiny gasp which made him turn towards me and say "You have to  get used to guns princess" "y-yes "I said as he walked into the washroom and a few minutes later he came back ,his hair was wet and he was no longer wearing a scary outfit his clothes made him look almost nice now "What about my clothes?" I politely asked trying not to sound to demanding "Oh I texted Chloe she is probably picking some stuff out" he said calmly while I just sat there ,trying not to show the sharp pains surging through my body.

Soon the blonde goddess came in with a shopping bag in her hands "Hey I got you the clothes" she walked towards me and put the bags on the floor by the bed which i was sitting on and she said "Tell Adrien if you need anything alright?" she told me with a wide smile.

"W-who is Adrien," I said blankly which made the handsome man chuckle as he said "Didn't tell you my name did I princess?" "oh " I said as I was fawning over how perfect the name sounded with his personality when the blonde goddess said" and I'm Chloe, what about you your name" "oh I'm Mar-"I started as I got interrupted by Adrien who continued " Marinette Dupain-Cheng now Marinette Agreste you are taking my name princess." he answered for me still occupied by his phone. "H-how did you know?" I asked finally letting my voice come to normal " I have to know my future wife's name don't I? "

I just nodded quietly trying to hide my red cheeks a few minutes later the blonde goddess I mean Chloe went out to bed leaving us alone. Once Chloe left the room I slowly started to get up to change, immediately I felt sharp pains in my stomach and I stumbled back as my hand made its way to my stomach and cried out in pain "Aah!" which made him walk towards me with an almost concerned look on his face as he placed his hands on my waist and said "you ok there? "with his eyebrows in a furrow while helping me stand "yeah, I-I'll be okay "as he looked at my clothes he said, "You lost a lot of blood sit down" I obeyed and sat down as he continued "i'll get the doctor be careful and do not move till I am back "I gave him a small nod as he left                                                                                                                                                                        

A few minutes later a man with a white coat and Adrien walked  "Hello Mrs. Agreste .It seems you have lost a lot of blood. Mr. Agreste has told me your blood group so I'm just gonna give you this you need to be on bed rest for a week. Mr. Agreste has informed me that there has been no internal bleeding or anything that could result in medical procedures." the doctor gave me a few pills to take which were all checked by a few of Adrien's bodyguards.

Afterwards I had changed into the clothes that Chloe had bought for me, I was then bandaged up and I'd had dinner when Adrien said we should probably go to sleep ,I timidly made my way upstairs to Adrien's room my grip on the railing tight . Once I was in his room he came in he looked at me with his piercing emerald eyes it felt as if he could look into my soul , he slowly walked up to me as I slowly went over each and every one of his details ,how his beautiful blonde hair fell to his face with every step, how his abs  flexed when he walked through the thin fabric of the shirt he was wearing he was majestic .

"Now, now princess you need to get some rest " he said as he motioned for me to lay down as he fixed the pillows for me to lay back down on , he walked over to the other side of the bed as he picked up the pillows and made his way to the couch ,I looked up at him with a puzzled look on my face as he looked back at me with furrowed eyebrows as he said "Are you alright? Do I get the maid to bring you some water? " he had such a concerned look on his face it made my heart skip a beat as I responded saying "N-no it's just that you- are you going to sleep on the couch?" 

"Well yes?  Do you have a problem with that?" 

 "Well it its just that I-I can't let you sleep on the couch that would be awful of me" I said as I started to get up, making my way to the couch he was soo much taller than me that I actually let out a gasp as he hovered above me which caused him to let out a soft chuckle "What?" 

    "You are soo much taller than me!" I exclaimed ,my voice a little higher than intended.

 "Why are you out of bed Marinette?" he said looking down at me, he looked so beautiful  

 "I can't let you sleep on the couch so ill just sleep here then"  

 "No, if you don't have a problem with it we will just have to share the bed then "he said a small smirk playing on his face. He walked up to the bed as he made a little border with the extra pillows in the very middle of the bed  ,I smiled widely at that-he is sooo cute -I got in bed and cuddled up to the pillows and before I knew it I had drifted off to sleep.


So? what do you think? The next chapter is longer trust me and better but I am still editing and proofreading so enjoy this and i will post as soon as I can!

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