Untitled Part 13

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"Luka is my boyfriend," I say trying to stay calm.

"Chloe, why were we not informed about this?"

"Because you did not need to be, no one needed to, I wanted to tell everyone about this on my own time, when we were both ready, and we are now, I was going to tell you tonight but-" I sigh.

"Chloe, did you do a background check on him?" I hear Dad speak up which causes me to groan.

"Why? Why Father? Why must I do a check on him but Adrien can just waltz in here with whomever he likes, you show no disappointment then!"

"Chloe, please let's not do this in front of our guest." Mum sighs gesturing towards Marinette who was next to Adrien with a guilty look on her face.

"I do not care if she is here or not! She is here at a so-called family dinner, if she is welcome here then I am o-fucking-kay with her being here with us while we have this conversation!" I say exasperated.

"Language Chloe!" I heard Father say disappointed.

"Mother, Father, Chloe is not wrong, Luka is a good guy he seems like one, I have yet to do a background check on him because I wanted to ask Chlo for permission beforehand, give them a chance," Adrien speaks up, I smile at him and he returns one.

"I will arrange for a meeting between Luka and you," I say to my parents."Chloe, we are not in any way shape, or form against you dating someone, we would just like to be informed about these things, for your good, so we know you are safe," Mum said smiling reassuringly at me as she gets up and pulls me into a hug.

I hug back, it feels like a weight is being lifted off of my chest.

When Luka and I first met, I was in a bad place, I had just murdered someone, It was to protect myself, It was.

I hear Father's voice in my head "You did it to protect yourself Chloe!"

I did. to protect myself.

It was still haunting me back then, sometimes still does but- , the sound of the gunshots coming back to me whenever I looked at my reflection in the mirror.

The look on her face when she realized it was all over.

How her entire body jolted from the force of the gunshots.

How she fell to the ground with a loud thud.

I still shiver as I think of those days, they were cold and dark, I had shut everyone out and I was not myself.

I look at Marinette, her eyes were also blue, Marinette's filled with happiness, but her's?

They were filled with Fear.



No, not until Luka came in, he was like a warm ray of sunshine after a storm, always talked to me, and listened to what I had to say to him.

Always there for me, It was not hard falling in love with him, everyone does, he turned me back, pulled me out from the deepest darkest pits of sorrows, and built me a castle to live in.

He built me a home, He is my home.

"Well, let's not waste time and have dinner already," Mum said putting on a cheery smile and walking towards the dining room.

I close my eyes and take a deep breath, Luka would have noticed instantly if he were here.

Would have smiled at me, it always works, hearing him talk, he has that effect on people.

Mine in every lifetime-AdrinetteWhere stories live. Discover now