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On my way back after dropping Marinette off at Alya and Nino's, I get a call and answer immediately.

"Adrien. They are dead."

I hit the break so fast that my body is thrown forward, my head almost making contact with the windshield.

"What?" I say still processing the information I got.

"All the people who broke in. They were killed. Whoever is behind this is good and does NOT want us to know who they are." Chloe says from the other end of the line making me sigh.

"Shit Chloe, you gave me a heart attack. You have gotta specify who you are talking about." I say pinching the bridge of my nose when she chuckles from the other end of the line.

I set my phone down on the passenger seat, putting it on speaker before I continue driving.

"So, how is Marinette, she was probably shook to the core." Chloe says sympathetically.

"She was, I've just dropped her off at Nino's. She was soo scared Chloe, and it's all my fault." I say, the end of it becoming a whisper.

"I am going to quit after we find who did this Adrien." I hear Chloe say and normally I would be shocked but I saw it coming.

"Good. I will tell Father and we will do anything we can in our power to remove all traces of you from the mafia business." I say truthfully and even through the phone I could tell Chloe relaxed by a lot.

"Luka and I talked about it and... I am going to quit, get more serious about the Agreste business. The magazines that you and I were on were bestsellers so I want to pursue my modelling career." Chloe says even though she did not need to explain why and that is when I realize.

She was scared, she wanted someone to talk to.

So I do, I talk to Chloe for the rest of the car ride and even when I reach I go and sit with her till she was asleep.

I hear a knock on the door and get up revealing Félix, I follow him in to the hallway, shutting the door behind me when he speaks up.

"Lila and Kagami did some digging, they think it is the scorpion gang."

Lila and Kagami were also really good with computers.

That is how I knew Kagami and Félix knew Lila. Kagami was Nino's classmate, the both of them had trained together but Nino wanted to distance himself from the mafia business and Kagami did not care.

The scorpion gang on the other hand was a very smart one. They were not from France like us, instead they were from the UK, they were one of the most incognito mafias out there after the Black Cat.

We were the Black Cat but they knew our identities.

"Do we have an undercover team?" I question and Félix nods before continuing "Yes, we have sent a team of 5, 2 of them are going undercover and the other three are their cover team."

We go to the interrogation room which was freshly cleaned but still had the lingering metalic smell of blood.

"I will take a look at all the equipment the they used to break in and if what they were wearing had any evidence that would tell us who they were." I say to Félix as he nods and goes up to his laptop to try and get more information from a couple people we had in the UK on the scorpion.

I open the bag of clothes  that one of the people from the disposal team gave to me, I spill the belongings of the bag on the table in front of me, the dried blood from the clothes making the place smell further.

I put on a pair of gloves before taking hold of one of the pieces of clothes.

After a few minutes of going through the clothes I sigh, this does not make any sense.

There should be a trail!

I get up, picking the clothes up and putting them back in the bag when I hear the sound of a muffled notification.

I feel through the pockets of all the clothes when I spot it, a tiny little tracker.

They knew where we were all along.

I break the tracker in between my fingers out of anger.

Years and years of The black Cat mafia, The Agreste Mafia being the best and now its all ending.

I scream dumping the bag on the floor before removing my gloves and running to where Félix was.

"Their clothes! they have tracker-" I say when Félix puts his finger on his lips, signaling for me to keep quiet when he points to a bug where the break ins were held captive.

They bugged the whole place.

We have been through training for this, I remind myself before  signaling to Félix that I will get the people out and he should get the equipment and evidence.

I open the door to Chloe's room, it was empty?

I furrow my eyebrows, trying to stay calm. 

There has to be an explanation as to why she isn't here. Right?

I rush to her washroom door and open it only to find it also empty.

I run to Luka's room, the feeling of relief washing over me when I spot the couple cuddled up in his bed, both under the sheets with their patient gowns on but despite all that, they both had content looks on their faces.

I walk up to the bed, slowly shaking her awake, she rubs here eyes and looks at me in confusion as I signal to her that we have to leave.

She nods getting up, slipping her feet into the patient sandals. 

Luckily the patient gowns were closed from both back and front so she didn't have to change.

 We then call a doctor who could take Luka off the machines and put him on a stretcher so that we could wheel the boy out and into the vans.

I then do a quick sweep of the room before doing the same for the one in which Mother and Father stayed and Chloe's room as well.

I take the handful of things I had found, giving them to a nearby body guard before joining Chloe, an unconscious Luka and Félix.

Guess we are going back home?

Mine in every lifetime-AdrinetteWhere stories live. Discover now