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"Luka? Babe?" I look around, my eyebrows furrowed.

"Luka? Is this a prank? this is NOT funny! where are you!" I say getting worried and tense at the lack of response, I walk up to the kitchen island and grab a gun that was taped on the underside of it, I remove it from safety and notify a security guard to come in.

Soon enough 3 bodyguards and I are walking up the stairs in formation, ready for anyone to attack.

I signal for one of the bodyguards to go into mine and Luka's room when I see a reflection in a mirror through a crack in the guest bathroom door.

I immediately signal one of the others to stand by the door and I walk up to it, I open the door to an unconscious Luka on the floor and my breath hitches, he had a gag and blindfold on and was sprawled across the bathroom floor.

I feel myself die a little at the thought of losing him and feel an all too familiar pain in my heart.

Guilt consumes me as I drop to my knees and take the gag and blindfold off before checking his pulse.

No pulse.

I check again.

No pulse.

The pain in my heart deepens and I let out a strangled growl, the bodyguards walk out with 2 people who had broken in, both with sly smirks on their faces, contrary to that of the angry, guilty and unreadably sad one on mine.

"Kill them." I hear myself say.

"We have the antidote." the girl says.

"He is dead but can be revived in the span of 10 minutes after the effects start. Tell your animals to leave us and we might give it to you." the boy says and I knew then that he was not lying or playing around.

Relief consumes me once I realize what drug it was that they had given to Luka and I collect him in my arms before saying "leave them! Now!" they do so and the girl walks up to me, Showing me a bottle with light blue liquid in it.

I go to grab it and she removes it and pockets it again.

Before I knew it, I pick up my gun and fire it at her, my bodyguards grabbing a hold of the boy and throwing him on the ground before getting the bottle and getting it to me.

"C-call the me-" I start, unable to speak because of my continuous sobs.

"Already done Chlo, give him the antidote, grab a hold of yourself."

I nod before opening the bottle with shaky hands, my vision hazy due to the tears that streamed down my face, I watch as the liquid goes down his throat.

Silently praying that it worked, I start CPR.

1, 2, 3.

1, 2, 3.

1, 2, 3.

I check his pulse again.

No pulse.

1, 2, 3.

1, 2, 3.

I puff a few breaths  into him before checking again.

No pulse.

1, 2, 3.

I hear a faint crack but keep going.

1, 2, 3.

1, 2, 3.

Puff of air.

I check his pulse.

Not there-

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