Part 6

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What just happened?

I looked at Marinette ,the look on her face made my stomach turn , she-she looked at me like I was a monster of some sorts ,she hurriedly got off my lap and started walking to the main door, I got up after her and went towards her, when she started to speed up, I caught up to her and  grabbed her wrist and pinned her against the main door.

"Marinette! "I said raising my voice just a little when -"What!" she yelled back, I realised what was happening and  backed up putting my hands up saying "Please... don't leave."

"I...I won't , but i need some time... I need to clear my head and... I-I will be back ,back by 8 ok?"

Saying that she turned around and ... left 

"GET OUT!" I yelled loud enough for all the servants to hear, they were used to it , once I heard the pitter patter of footsteps and the back door shutting and closing fade away I fell to the floor in front of the living room couch ,burying my head in my palms.

"Shit shit shit shit shit shit SHIT!" I said ,scolding myself or- I didn't know what it was ,I fucked it up! 

Tears streamed down my face as I felt my chest tighten,I can't do anything right, I can't do anything right ,I can't .

I kept telling myself out as the only sound in the whole mansion was that of my pathetic sobbing, I am pathetic.


Why did I leave? I have nowhere to go, Adrien... I , somewhere deep down I knew he'd killed people , but- he said it so casually . "Fuck!"

I said out loud as I turned back around heading back to Adrien's house, no our house.

I smiled a little at the thought as I got quicker on my feet getting closer and closer to our home.

I opened the door and stepped in , the house, it was filled with the sounds of choked sobs, I looked around to see Adrien , he was sitting on the carpet in front of the couch , crumpled up in a ball ,rocking back and forth, my heart dropped, he was barely breathing, choked sobs, hyperventilating and the sounds of him chanting something filled the room.

" Adrien, hey, hey, it's me you're ok hun shh shh ." I said getting closer and sitting next to him " no, no ,no ,no, you are not Marinette, she hates me , she hates me, hates me, hates me" he mumbled burying his face in his hands " No, no Marinette likes you, Marinette... Marinette loves  Adrien"

================================================================================Yay! tell me what you think of this chapter, please vote for me! and give me suggestions.

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