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Adrien P.O.V

Everything has been going well.

Luka is recovering day by day, Chloe seems happier by every second, Marinette is proving more and more capable to defend herself and we are getting closer and closer to the Scorpion gang.

It was run by a guy called Bob Roth, he wanted to take over the mafia world and we were the only ones bigger than him, the only difference was we didn't harm innocent people, we had morals and rules that we lived by unlike them.

They were involved in unforgivable things and recently we had prevented them from human trafficking, about two months before the break-in and they had planned it all out, bugged Félix house and watched and listened to all his moves.

They had planned everything out and wanted to wipe out all three of the heirs to the black cat in one go.

Only thing was they failed miserably.

They hurt us us all and now we were hell-bent on making them miserable.

When someone says the word 'mafia' most people imaging the most horrible things to have existed and that is what the scorpion is unlike us, we put most of our money to good use, we donated to charities, prevented gangs like the scorpion from doing bad things and helped.

Father always like fashion designing so when he could get enough money from the mafia worls, he put a large sum of it into the Agreste business so that we had a better cover up and a more believable one at that.

Now if we were to make huge donations or lived in large mansions like we do, it wouldn't be as suspicious.

I groan frustratedly as I find yet another dead-end on as to how I should get to Bob Roth without it catching the public eye when Félix storms into the office.

"Adrien, come quick. Chloe found something apparently." I immediately follow him and he leads me to a room where Chloe is sat in front of a bunch of computer screens.

"Guards on all quarters stat, Luka and Marinette's rooms need heavy protection ASAP." Chloe says in her walkie-talkie when she acknowledges us.

"Another break in, they don't know we're a s well prepared as we are. We need to get them to tell us as much as they can and we need them under protection. Can't have them dead like last time." Chloe says and we both nod, grabbing our guns and putting on bullet-proof vests before going out of the room.

I enter mine and Marinette's room, the guards letting my through, the sound of the door opening makes Marinette turn around quickly, already pointing a gun at the door.

She relaxes, and rushes up to me and giving me a tight hug.

"Shh, it's alright. No one is going to get you. Excellent stance by the way." I say complementing her form from when she was pointing the gun at me a minute ago.

I break the hug, instead going up to the window and closing it because the sliding glass was bullet-proof when a series of gun-shots are heard.

"Shit, fuck!" I mutter under my breath and grab Marinette by the wrist softly, she follows me with no hesitation and I lead her to the walk-in closet and I open the lowest drawer on my side of it, tapping a button inside which opens a panic-room large enough to fit 10 people.

"Stay here." I whisper and she nods, clutching onto her gun before walking in, I close it behind her, the panic room disappearing and leave the closet and and feel someone linger behind me.

I point my gun forward and turn around, furrowing my eyebrows when the place was empty, I turn around again, maybe I was just being paranoid.

I feel the cold hard metal of a gun on the side of my head.

"Put the gun down dip-shit!" the person says and I nod, slowly bending down as I work out a plan in my head.

I have a dagger in my shoe that I can grab when getting up and stab the person behind me, just as I and halfway there, almost setting the gun on the floor, I hear gunshot behind me and the guy collapses to the floor.

I turn around to look at a scared Marinette.

"Adrien, are you okay?" she says and I nod.

"Thank you, thank you Baby." I say to her for saving my life even though I could have done so myself.

"I can't stay in there alone, I'm coming with you." she says and I nod as another gun-shot is heard.

We leave the room, Marinette following closely behind me as I navigate us safely.

A group of four people rush us to us an I start firing, Marinette also getting a shot in.

We manage to injure them all before they can harm us and a high-post guard comes in saying "That's about all of them Sir, we have got medical attention started on some of them and we can start the interrogation in about an hour." I mutter a "Okay." visibly relaxing as Marinette lets out a loud sigh of relief.

I put my arm around her comfortingly and we walk to the spare room. people already cleaning up the small an=mount of blood that was in our room.

We lay down on the bed, me on my back and Marinette on her side as her head rests on my chest "You okay Princess?" I ask her and she nods against my chest as I run my hands through her hair.

"I was soo scared Adrien. Can you please make it all stop." she pleads making me frown.

"I know. I hate it too." I say truthfully, I had also started to hate all this, it had caused us soo much pain and we could do equally as well or even better if we all focused on the Agreste company instead of this.

"I- Chloe is quitting after this is finished and I want to quit as well, what do you say?" I ask her and she sits up a little.

"Yes, I think that would be great." and she smiles a little.


It has been soooo long since I last updated this soo here you all go, last time I updated was the 7th of April and it is now the 18th of May wow that is a long break from this fic.

I will try my best to post more often.

I know this chapter isn't much but something is better than nothing.

Please, comment or vote it all really motivates me, buh bye lovelies!!

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⏰ Last updated: May 19 ⏰

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