Chapter III: Freezing a Human

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I wake up to the sound of footsteps approaching the factory. I jolt up and I immediately start to prepare my bag. I pack everything I need to survive. I open the back door that leads to a dark musty hall and feel around the wall searching for a handle. I found the handle, turned it, and climbed down the ladder, hoping to make it out of the factory before that person showed up.

I look around the empty street and find an old burger joint. The one me and my family used to frequent. The old busy restaurant now looks like it ran out of business. I head to it anyways, because I am starving. I open the doors hoping to find some food. I head to the kitchen and scavenge around. I found some crackers, a popular human food, and canned goods. I pack them all into my bag and make my way to the doors. When I spot a herd of people heading down the street. I ran back into the kitchen and went into the freezer.
I waited there until I didn't hear their footsteps anymore. I sigh a breath of relief until I feel a hand on my shoulder. I jump back and my flight-or-fight kicks in and I grab the mysterious person and pin them to the ground. I look at them.
"What," I whisper.
"I'm sorry! I just saw that you weren't like dead. I guess, are you dead? I don't really know but please don't kill me miss," The stranger rambled!
"Who are you?" I say. He isn't one of my sister's undead army that's for certain.
"My name's Nixon! I come in peace, I mean no harm!" He paused, "Do you understand english?"
"Yes, it's a common language on a lot of planets."
"Oh, well thank you for educating me. Can you please get off of me though?" he wheezes.
"No, I don't know you for all I know you could stab me while I stand up."
"I promise you I will not hurt you! If you promise not to hurt me again."
I think for a moment.
"Why should I let him up, he's a human, Dad said we don't trust humans," I thought to myself then gave myself a reply!
"But our dad is a psychopath, this one doesn't feel like a threat and I don't think this boy can kill us anyways."
I stop my discussion in my head and get off Nixon.
"Kamari," I say as I open the freezer door.
"Nice to meet you, Kamari."
"Do you know how to kill undead people, Nixon," I ask?
"Huh, kill!? I don't kill!"
"Not even people who are already dead?"
"Hm well I don't kill anyone."
"Weak," I say
"What did you say!?" He says fervently as he follows me out of the freezer.
"You heard me, human," I say as I walk out of the doors.
"Ouch, I told you my name."
"I know still doesn't mean I trust you."
I walk down the streets with this human following. He is trustworthy but not to me. He looks about my age. It's weird seeing someone other than undead people. He's goofy looking different from all the other people on my planet.
We walk until it gets dark and we head to my factory.
"Hey I should warn you that at night we may get sucked through a portal," he says out of the blue.
"What." I turned back to him with a surprised and concerned look.
"You have powers?" I say
"Out of all things that's what's your questioning?"
"I thought humans don't have powers."
"Well I don't know about all the humans but I sorta do."
"Strange," I say as I gestured for him to climb the ladder.

We reached my hideout and I set up a bed for him on the couch.
I got woken up by a loud noise. I open my eyes and a portal appears in the middle of the room.
"So humans can have powers, interesting."

Words: 679

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