Chapter XIV: Run Forrest Run

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I woke up to the sound of frantic screaming on the other side of my door. I could hear some of what they were saying but it was all a jumble of words that my brain just couldn't seem to comprehend. The screaming ceased when a loud bang went off then a thud followed soon after. That's normal for a 5 year old to hear outside their room at god knows what time, right? A few minutes later someone walked in the room and started to walk towards me, the room wasn't large so I couldn't try to hide or run away without them getting to me, especially in the state I'm in right now. They stopped about halfway into my room and placed a small bowl of plain rice on the floor with a shot glass of water.
"Training's in 3," the "doctor" grumbled.
"Can I get there a minute later?"
"Then training is in 2 now," while they say this, they pick up the bowl of rice, "and you don't get this," they walk away and slam the door.
I slammed into the ground as one of my "siblings" was standing over me. She was several times my height, older than me by 4 years, and was allowed to go all out for my training. She grabbed her dagger from the floor right beside me and placed it to my throat.
"I win," she says while smiling. She lifted the dagger to try and jab it into my throat when a doctor had stopped her.
"Two, that's enough training for you for the day. You may go back to the recreational center. Three, you stay here."
She looks over at him and slams the dagger into the foam floor right by my neck, stands up, and walks away. While Two walks away, she grips the back of my shirt and yanks me up.
"Today is going to be a good one for you, Three, don't screw it up," she whispers as she closes the door of the training room.
The doctor walks up to me and grabs me by the wrist. He starts to walk off with me being dragged behind him. We got into one of the doctor's office-like rooms after a while. He made me sit down on the benches in it and walked over to the desk.
"How do you feel?"
"Three. Answer the question."
"Why not?"
"I don't want to."
The doctor grabs a needle filled with a clear liquid, things used for something that they call an IV, some wipes, more needles but empty, and several bandages.
"Fine, you don't have to answer it then. But I do need you to hold out your arms for testing."
"I don't wanna do the testing again. You guys did that yesterday, and the day before, and the-"
"I said hold your arms out Three, I'm not asking you to do it, I'm telling you."
"I said-"
He yanked my right arm and put the IV tube in my arm. He then grabbed the wipes and rubbed them on the underside of my left elbow then stuck the needle in. When that happened, some of my blood went into the needle's tube. As soon as he got the needle full, he took it out of my arm.
"Hm, that clover mark is still there from last time, actually it looks like it got whiter in color too, I'll have to write that down. It's probably just a birthmark though, a strange one however."
"So Three, we have been told by the head of the project that we should let you out on assignments from here on out. You will not be going on these assignments everyday, but more than likely, at least 2 per week. We have rules about these that you will follow, and there are several other things that you will have to take into consideration. Now before you tell me, 'Do I have to do these?' The answer is yes. Now, once I finish up your examination, we will head back into the training room for more details on your assignments."
You know, after so many assignments, you'd think that you'd get used to some of the things that happen on them, y'know? Well, I don't think that you should get used to a grown adult touching you in places I don't think a 10 year old should be touched at, or get used to having your blood drawn at least three or four times a day for "testing," or whatever they call it. They also say that I shouldn't try to get police involved with their business, and when I do, pumping me up with some type of drug and not feeding me for the next week or two is a good punishment, better than getting killed I guess.
"Now Three, I'll ask you this again, what did you tell that officer?"
"I..I don't remember.."
"Yes you do, don't try to lie about it. You know exactly what you were supposed to do, you did the job, yes, but you know damn well that you shouldn't have tried to tell an officer about you and your other siblings. Now, what did you tell that damn officer?!"
"I said I don't-"
"Do not say 'you don't remember' because you do!"
When they said this, they pulled their gun out on me and shot me right in the arm, the doctors said that due to where it hit me, it had shattered the entire bone and I wouldn't be able to much with it for a while until it fully healed. Even now it still hurts. Hell what am I kidding, if I jerk my arm the wrong way, the whole thing goes numb.
After that day, I decided that I was going to leave. I was going to get as far away from that and them as I could. I never wanted to go there again, never wanted to be back in that hellhole I had to call a room, have those doctors and nurses take my blood and perform all their tests on me, and have them film me and my "progress" ever again.
It was night when I successfully escaped, sure that would've been the best time to escape since there were probably less people around, but, this is The Clinic I'm talking about, there is no 'best time' I also have been trying for the past month so they are onto me. So, I got out of my room easily with the excuse of having to go to the bathroom, but the rest of the way was difficult. I had to try and dodge guards, doctors, nurses, and cameras from where I had said I was going to the exit. Once I got out, I had to climb the brick wall they had.
"Too bad I don't have any powers to help me out."
I finally got to the top of the wall after 4 or so minutes. I had both of my legs dangling on the other side of the wall, I was so close to freedom. But, I just couldn't get myself to drop onto the other side of the wall. After a few seconds, I forced my body to do it. I landed on the other side with a soft thud, I stood up from my spot and ran.
Words: 1240

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