Chapter XIX: Mufasa's Death

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The morning dawn gleaned through the treetops as the three of our heroes stood at the edge of a somewhat dark and snowy forest. All prepared for the next trial which is one of the easiest in the mentor's options. They said all of them will be tested for their patience, will, teamwork, agility, and emotional state. The anticipation grew as the three of them stood in running positions ready for anything. However there was tension between the three of them. Nixon and Lux hadn't forgotten their debacle in the halls and Nixon was furious at Kamari for knocking him out. The area was quiet. You could hear the breathing of all of the heroes as they waited for the signal. Within moments Sage sent a mystical burst of magic into the air to signal the beginning of the trial. The three sprinted instantly, Kamari pulling ahead of the other two as they split up between the trails and trees. The goal was to get through the obstacles and to the other side of the forest by nightfall. Not too long after the beginning of the trial, Lux came to a stop catching their breath.
There had been no traps or obstacles at all yet. Lux was somewhat intrigued and confused at the same time. They began to walk some to progress closer to the end. As They moved for a couple feet they heard a snap and a crack. Not sure what it was they pulled out their daggers prepared for a blow. Alarmed but brave, Lux looked high and low far and wide and saw nothing. This wasn't just some trap anymore. They knew they were being hunted. They began to go on a full sprint again swerving through the trees back and forth. Trying to pay attention behind them from which they heard leaves constantly rustled faster and faster. Then thwip. Lux was hung by their feet, slightly swinging side to side in the tree.
"Look at what we have here. A small little boy swinging in the trees," Nixon walked from behind a tree with a smirk.
"You know that is not what I go by, asshole. Cut me down," Lux exclaimed, trying to cut themself down.
"I think you got this big boy," Nixon said walking closer towards Lux.
Lux was finally able to reach and cut themself down with a quick slash. Just as Nixon was walking under them. Lux fell, staring on Nixon's head and ending up on top of him.
"Get off weirdo," Nixon said, throwing Lux off of him.
They both got up brushing themselves off. They could cut the weird tension with a knife if they wanted to.
"We should keep moving," Nixon said, beginning to walk ahead.
"Was that you in the treetops a minute ago," Lux said 
"What are you talking about? I heard the trap go off so I came to see and found you hanging."
"Well if that wasn't you then what was it? I don't think we are here alone, Nixon."
" I don't know what to tell you Lux. I was the only person and thing arou-," Nixon was cut off by a trap he fell into.
"Just teleport out. I'll jump in too and we can go to the end of the forest and meet Kamari," Lux announced about to jump in.
"No," Nixon screamed at them, "I don't have my power to open portals. Sage did some magic on me and took it so I can't cheat."
"Ok hold on I'll see what I can do," Lux exclaimed as they started running around looking for something to help Nixon.
As Lux was running around, their mind was racing with things they could do. Then it hit him. Lux realized that Nixon had his weapon ability. "He could make a whip and climb out that way,"
Lux thought to themself. They turned back around and started sprinting back to Nixon. Lux was so close to him when everything went black.
On the further side of the forest Kamari was picking lint off of her outfit and brushing snow off her. Kamari decided to sit down on a rock and wait for the others. Kamari was deeply thinking about something troubling her. Kamari had gotten a chilling feeling that something or someone was watching her. She jerked her head back behind her. She stood up and walked to a new clearing. It was a beautiful site. The trees had stopped near a cliff, and the sun had just started to rise. Kamari was just staring in awe at the sun. Then she found another rock to sit on. Then she put something in her ear and gave one look behind her. It felt like she was being hunted, that something in this forest wanted her dead. She picked something out of her pocket and started typing on it. Then she started to talk.
"What is it James? I'm busy and I don't have much time. I told you and the others not to contact me when I'm on missions." She snapped at him
The ear piece was loud enough you could hear it without the ear piece.
"I know I'm deeply sorry ma'am but we have an emergency." He replied back with terror in his voice. Kamari made a mhm noise to tell him to go on.
"She has escaped." He said in horror.
"What? Impossible, that cell is inescapable. Are you sure she did? Did you check the cameras? She couldn't have gone far." She said,
"Yes ma'am. Someone saw her escape but they were killed, so we don't know where she went, nor how she escaped. But we did find some graphite on the floor."
"Idiots! You didn't clean her pockets out? If she finds me and messes this mission up I will kill that traitorous lover of yours."
"Please don't ma'am! We will find her and she will not ruin the mission. I promise just don't hurt anyone."
"Find her. Now!"
She yelled and took the ear piece out of her ear. She sighed, and decided to get up. She bent down and picked up a rock and threw it over the cliff and watched it fall. Then that feeling came back. The feeling of being watched. She turned over and watched. She didn't know what she was looking for, but to find a reason why she was feeling this way would make her feel better. She kept looking for five minutes then she finally heard it.
The snap of a twig to the left of her ahead in the trees. She turned her head to the noise and got into a stance she normally would use. Somehow, instead of the sky getting brighter, it turned darker; like night was coming around again. She started hearing rustling in the bushes beside the trees. The noise was moving to the right of her. She turned to reveal something in the short distance. A beautiful emerald glisten through the rocky shadows met with Kamri's gaze.
"You should have known you couldn't last forever," A sinister voice slowly scolded.
The shadows began to shift as a tower of beast came through the clearing between the trees. A ferocious manar sending small chills down Kamari's spine.
"What is your deal? What is wrong with you," Kamari demanded as she continued to look into the green eyes of what seemed to be her enemy.
"You know exactly what is wrong with me, Xantara," Freya hissed.
Freya gradually came closer to Xantara. Their breath is visible in the cold air. Freya's heaves like a bull ready for the charge.
"You kill me and I'll have them kill her," Xantara said, keeping a stoned face.
"If only you could. I heard your little conversation. James seemed like a real nice guy," Freya snarled.
Freya pulled out her ax and continued to walk forward. She pulled back the ax with force and aimed it at her feet. It startled Xantara to the point she walked back and tripped over the rock she was sitting on. She fell to the ground over the rock with a heavy thud. Freya began her approach towards her. Xantara tried to crawl away backwards with her hands. Freya had finally reached her. She looked down at her and smiled. A wicked and sinister smile. Freya bent down and grabbed Xantara by the throat. Xantara was struggling to speak and clawed at Freya's hand. Freya started to laugh
"What? Not so strong without your posse." Freya snickered.
Freya brought her to the cliff and held her hand out for Xantara to hang over the cliff. Xantara looked down and at the bottom was a frozen lake. She knew she would be dead by impact.
"Any final words?" Freya said as she untensed her hand allowing Xantara to breathe.
"Foolish braindead human thinking you have won, you have no idea what I'm capable of." She chuckled, gradually getting louder. Freya let go and turned around. She started to walk away but stopped and clenched her fists and bit her lip in order to hold back any emotions. Sage came out of the trees. Freya looked up at Sage with a shocked terror expression. Sage reciprocated. They both ran to the edge of the cliff and looked down. There was Xantara dead on the frozen ice. They both got off the cliff and looked at each other.
"She didn't land with a thud did she?" Sage said and Freya nodded.
Words: 1584

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