XXII: Back From The Dead

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Nixon nervously paced down the halls, biting his thumb as he paced. He walked up to the cedar wood door, going to knock but then immediately pulling his hand away from the door, then continued pacing. His thought was interrupted by a child's voice.
"What are you doing?" Asked a voice down the hall. Nixon turned to face the child.
"Nothing!" Nixon replied fast. The little boy smirked.
"Just knock, it's not that hard," The little boy continued nagging.
"Shut up I will eventually," Nixon continued to pace.
The little boy walked around Nixon giving him a final smirk.
"Watch and learn," the little boy said sinisterly and banged on the door.
The little boy ran off and turned the first corner to watch the chaos he just created. Nixon made a choking form with his hand as Frida opened the door.
"What are you doing," Frida said confusedly as she looked down the hall to see who else was there.
"Oh nothing I was just coming to seeeee if maybe you would like to, um like I dunno hang out sometime," Nixon said, flinching as he waited for the harsh response.
"I would absolutely love to hang out with you Nixon, you're really funny and sweet," Frida said with a grin that went on for miles.
"Really?! That's wonderful! YAY," Nixon said in his puppy-like manner.
"Wow, didn't know you'd be so excited."
"I mean it's cool and all. It's like cool cool," Nixon said as he attempted to lean on the door frame but completely missed and hit the floor.
"Are you ok?"
"Yeah I'm fine I'm perfectly fine."
Nixon jumped up from the floor and tried to smoothly walk out the door but stumbled down the hall. When he got to the corner we saw the little boy still at the corner watching him stumble back and forth.
"Real smooth Romeo," The little boy smirked at Nixon.
Nixon stuck his tongue out at him and continued to his room. He got to his room and through the door he saw Lux sitting on their bed criss-crossed while sharpening their daggers. Nixon jumped onto his bed and was acting like a three year old after getting candy.
"What the hell is wrong with you," Lux asked, confused.
"I just got a date!! I am feeling absolutely ecstatic!"
This reminded Nixon of his friends back home who he would usually have this conversation with. He remembers meeting them at the mall or a party and just talking for hours about how they all had dates or valentines or just having an absolute blast talking to their lover.
It dawned on him that he may not get the chance to do that again, he may never get to talk to his best friends about any of this. But he put that all to the side and focused on where he was here and now. He thought about how beautiful Frida was. How happy and exciting this adventure with Kamari and Lux has been. He never wanted it to end and felt like he could fly.
"You're not going to make the same mistake twice, right?" Lux asked.
A portal opened in front of the door and they were both shocked.
"Are you doing this Nixon?"
"I'm really not sure man"
Multicolor lights flashed through the ripple in the door. There was music shaking the ground in their room. It was so loud. They both knew exactly what it was and they instantly ran through.
Sage, Freya, and Spade were in the observatory looking for a way to find out what may happen next.
"They have finished their trials but they still need training. Nixon can't control his portals, Kamari can't fully tap into her emotions, and Lux is too emotional sometimes. They are out of control and quite frankly loose cannons. We need to be prepared for the worst," Sage stated as she scattered through the book shelves.
"I've got it," Spade says, holding up a decent size book.
The three of them walk to the center of the mostly hollowed out room. Spade places the book on a pedestal with vines and glowing flowers wrapped around it. The glow was a beautiful yellowish tent. Sage had a small hand mirror that she placed on the ground in front of her and smashed it into a thousand miniature pieces. Sage held her hands out signaling to Spade and Freya to place their hands in hers. Sage closed her eyes as she began to mumble a different language that left Freya and Spade confused. The book was lifted into the air and flipped to a page with a beautiful purple bird spreading its wings. It glistened like a newly polished amethyst. The glass shards floated to the book and spiraled around it in a cypher formation. Images began to flash back and forth through the shards as a purple smoke began to consume the three warriors. The room was transferred into a space-like area with stars at their feet and a beautiful purple galaxy with what appeared to be stars, but was actually the glass shards separated even more. Sage opened her eyes and the three of them let go of their hands.
"Welcome to infinite possibilities. These shards are windows to everything that could happen in the near future. I have created a barrier so we don't venture too far and corrupt the odds in our favor," Sage happily states, throwing her hands up presenting the area.
"So did we teleport here or something, because this seems like a dream," Freya says.
"That is a close guess but not quite there my friend. The purplish sand galaxies are actually a veil of smoke that is created by Wendigo."
"What is a Wendigo? Or who I should really say," Spade says, begging to walk around.
A constellation of a beautiful phoenix-like bird flies over their heads and to Sage's shoulder. It is made out of the same purple smoke as the room.
"This is Wendigo. Isn't she just magical," Sage says petting Wendigo.
"Says the witch," Freya comments.
The three of them begin to look around and find the area they want to start in. Spade's section was towards the past right before Freya met Nixon, Lux, and Kamari. The only weird thing was that it was his memory and not an outlook on what happened with Freya when she met the three heroes. He touched the cold glass and transferred to that point in time. Spade was a ghost in his own memory. He could walk around and touch things but it was like he was invisible. Spade was in a room that was circular with a small table in the center filled with keys for and blueprints of the castle. The walls were lined with shelves that were filled with cuffs and weapons. There were small cages and chains hanging from the ceiling and very dim lighting from the candles near the shelves and door.
"No No No I can't be here not now! Sage how do you get out of a memory," Spade frantically yelled.
"The only way out is to let the memory finish since it's already happened," Sage yelled back.
The door Slammed opened then shut. Spade turned around to see him and Frida arguing.
"You foul-hearted man. He will be in the worst of troubles if anyone else finds out about you two. Dear lord and my eyes after seeing my older brother with you. Ugh that was disgusting and inappropriate on so many levels," Frida shivered in disgust.
"Look if it makes it any better he is a really good kisser," Spade happily smirked.
"Eww I don't want to hear it," Frida covered her ears.
"I didn't go into full depth now. I mean he did, but that's besides the point."
"Look, I'm sorry. I don't know what you want me to say. You saw us and that is that."
"Spade you are playing with dangerous forces here. My father would murder him and then exile you. My brother and my father have had awful conversations when it comes to this topic. You don't understand," Frida said, massaging her forehead.
"Look Frida, I am a shameless person. If I'm risking me being exiled from the general's forces then so be it. I love Bjørn and that is that."
"You do not love Bjørn. You love the idea of Bjørn. I'm sorry if I'm sounding harsh. I just want you two to be safe and not get hurt."
"What about Freya? She is lesbian."
"My father doesn't know she hasn't shown any interest in people ever. Now I am sorry, but I need to go talk some sense into my brother if I can not talk to you."
Frida walked out the door and ran to find her brother. Spade soon followed right after.
"Sage the memory is over, why can't I leave," Spade screamed in a depressed manner.
The wall behind Spade shattered like glass into a violet void. He slowly walked through the glass archway and back into the purple galaxy. The glass archway shattered back into its tiny diamond. Spade's mood completely shifted as his memory of his lover painfully faded back behind the wall Spade had made for himself. However he continued to push through the other past memories.
Freya decided to start in the present-past to the present-future. She watched Spade go into the glass shard before deciding to go in herself. She took a deep breath and touched the diamond shaped shard. Everything around her stretched to blurs as she jolted forward. When she came to a stop Freya was wobbly and had a headache. She heard small laughter from down the stoned hallway she was transported into. She walked down the hallway checking every door and room, because she knew she had recognized that laugh. As she checked the rooms she stumbled upon the library where Sage and Kamari were watching the trials. Freya realized this was the day Lux and Nixon switched. She knew that it wasn't Kamari she was looking at. Freya felt angry, but she put it back down from where it came from. She knew this was the past and that is where it will stay. Freya left the library and continued her search for laughter. After a few more rooms Freya found her youngest brother in his playroom playing with his puppy named Snowflake. Snowflake was very small and had a silver coat of fur. He had these intense golden eyes and adorable little paws.
"Oh I love you Snowflake," Freyr said, hugging him.
"I never want to let you go. You're my bestest friend."
Freya was so happy and warmed by her younger brother's joy and love for Snowflake. Freyr hasn't been through the things some of the other siblings have and Freya hopes he never has too. She has been through so much and would never wish that on Freyr. He is so innocent and pure. Freya kneeled on her knees next to Freyr and Snowflake as they played with a bouncy ball. Frida walked through the door moments later.
"Freyr, do you want to play a game," Frida said, leaning to Freyr's level.
"What kind of game," Freyr says standing in an innocent pose hiding Snowflake behind his back.
"It's a pirate game. You would be the captain of the ship and I would be your mermaid friend, but for us to play this game we would have to play in the bathtub."
Freya giggled at Frida's little trick on Freyr. She could help but feel tender hearted. She loved to see her family being playful and uplifting.
"I hate getting in the bath. I will only Play pirates if..... SNOWFLAKE CAN COME," Freyr said, pushing Snowflake into Frida's face.
"No buddy, Snowflake can't come. He's gonna get you more dirty than you already are."
"Then can I have five more minutes? PPPLLLEEEAASSSEEE," Freyr said with puppy dog eyes.
"Fine you can have five more minutes but I'm coming right back. Have fun," Frida said exiting the room.
Freya stayed to watch Freyr play with Snowflake and do tricks. Everything was completely normal til Freyr picked Snowflake up again. Freyr's eyes turned to the lightest shade of blue and glowed like a sparkly diamond. His hands became cold to the touch and his face horrified. Snowflake turned blue as his fur began to freeze into his skin and wagging tail stuck mid air. Snowflake was a frozen statue. Freya looked at Freyr with awe and was so excited to know he had powers. Freyr ran out of the room holding Snowflake in his arms. Freya followed closely behind. Freyr ran into Frida and held Snowflake up to her.
"Frida, what happened to Snowflake? Did I hurt him," Freyr said almost in tears.
"Oh no Freyr you didn't hurt him all you did was freeze him. It's ok Freyr, we can help him I promise," Frida said, putting her hand on Freyr's back and guiding him down the hall. As they walked down the hall it became darker and Freya followed to keep up. It eventually became pitch black. There was a small light at the end of it and Freya kept going. Once she got through the hallway she was outside. She was in a white grove surrounded by trees that were lined with pink and blue roses. There were a few purple ones here and there. Freya turned around to a familiar voice.
"Freya there you are. He has been asking about you for too long now," Lux said, staring straight into her eyes.
Freya said nothing. She was so confused about what was happening. I thought they couldn't see me, She thought to herself. Just as the thought came to mind, something passed through her sending a chill down her spine and squinting her eyes. When she was back to normal she saw herself talking with Lux. What the hell was that, Freya was confused. She realized this hasn't happened but will happen very soon. She was walked to the table filled with presents, candy, balloons and ice sculptures. Snowflake was running through the legs of the table and jumped into Freyr's lap. Freyr was sitting at the end of the table wearing white gloves laced with gold trimming. The knuckles had gold diamonds on them. Freyr stood up and yelled as loud as he could "EVERYONE I HAVE AN ANNOUNCEMENT!"
Everyone gathered at the table and watched as the little six year old stood over them and took off his gloves.
"What's the announcement Freyr," Kamarie said giggling a little.
"It's a magic trick, and Frida, my lovely assistant, will you please pass me the stuffed puppy?"
Frida gave Freyr a small stuffed puppy and just like the first time his eyes turned the lightest blue and the puppy to ice. Freyr was a little startled and dropped the stuffed puppy. It shattered into a million tiny little pieces.
"Whoops that wasn't supposed to happen," Freyr cheerily said as he jumped off the table.
"YOU GOT YOUR POWERS," Freya cheered, lifting Freyr onto her shoulders and pranced around the table.
The scene turned to smoke and whirled around the area present Freya was standing in. She was a little lost because the birthday party wasn't over. The smoke came together again after a few seconds but now the sun had set more and everyone was singing happy birthday to Freyr. The song ended and Freyr blew out the candles. As the smoke lifted into the air the rest of the scene did the same. It all faded like smoke into a black nothingness. The ground beneath Freya's feet was like black ice. She could see herself in the reflection, but it was different. It was almost like a new found Freya. Like the same person but also an entirely different one. A bright light shined directly into Freya's eyes as the glass archway appeared a few feet away from her. She tried to forget about her reflection and focus on the happy things she saw was to come. Freya walked through the archway and was back in the violet amethyst of a galaxy. She had more of a purpose to protect her family now. She had found herself in a different way than most people. Freya knew that she was happy and she wanted to keep this happiness and never let it end.
Sage waited for Freya and Spade to go through their archway's before we moved to her own. She knew it wasn't a good idea because if she tried to change things she couldn't. At first Sage was next to Freya and was going to go through the present future, but she also knew that they weren't going to get the information they needed. Once Freya disappeared into her present past Sage quickly went to the barrier she had placed in order to not go too far and took it down. Wendigo flew in front of her and squawked at her so she would stop. Sage pressed on and wendigo followed. Due to their mystical connection Wendigo is able to warn Sage of what will happen because of her actions.
"Sage you nor I can change the future. The future must play out," Wendigo flys next to her.
"Wendigo that won't stop me from trying to change it a little," Sage says almost sorrowly.
"Sage I am telling you, that you can not change it. This is an inevitable thing. You will have no other choice but to let it play out. I won't stop you but this is your only warning. The consequences will be catastrophic, but if you are this determined then so be it. When you need me I will be there," Wendigo says, flying away and leaving Sage be.
Sage found the crystal she knew would be the most informational. This one however seemed different from the rest. It had a hairline crack on one of the corners. Sage entered the fractured prediction anyway. The scene was frozen. It was unlike any other past, present past or future she has ever been in. The scene had already begun, but it was stuck. It was horrific. Fires blazing left and right. Bodies lined the battle ground. Some are too distorted to recognize. Sage moved through the horrible photograph; She was struck with anger and sadness as she saw her friends fighting for their lives. Spade and Lux using each other as momentum to keep each other's backs cleared. Nixon and an unknown character leading a charge of monster's against another. Kamari doing her best to hold a barrier between them and a bigger army than anything they've faced before. All looked beaten to a pulp, scarred and bruised as some bled out and others held themselves together. The area was dead and cold. Dust stuck mid air as the wind blew it into a swirl. The sun was setting over the rugged ridge that towered above the fight. Sage floated above the ridge to have a clear view of the whole scene. Once she landed softly on the edge she could see them all. The canyon is filled with a beast of pure nightmares. Beckna and another unfamiliar person standing behind them as a final line. Beckna controlled them as this stranger stood guard. Xantarie, Freya, and herself were nowhere to be found. Sage looked around as she saw mountains cut the end of the canyon off and opened to it with a cave of stunning light. What was this beauty, Sage thought to herself. She floated to the entrance to find herself and Freya fighting Xantarie. The light was the light from the sunset reflecting on to crystals and back to others. Sage left the cave and pursued the horrific time freeze. However it was different. It was changed. As if there were two possibilities. This one was much more victorious than the other. The unfamiliar face with Nixon was now more than one. She had duplicated into ten times herself. They were fighting Beckna and winning. The main stranger and Nixon fought her while the duplicate strangers held off her horde of beast. With the Beckna distracted, the horde was already reduced by a significant amount. Lux and Kamari were fighting a different villainous character. She was beautiful but something about her was vile. This made Sage feel much better about the whole situation. She continued to walk to the dark valley, but something was extremely wrong. There was a presence that wasn't here in the beginning. Sage turned around and was met with a cold gaze. Before Sage could react she was thrown straight back shattering the air like glass.
Spade and Freya were waiting and talking about what they had seen.
"There wasn't anything helpful. Just painful. I'm not sure what to even say," Spade shyly said as if talking to a stranger.
"Spade I know and it's ok. You'll figure it out. Mine wasn't helpful either. I saw Freyr and how he got his powers. I saw his birthday too. He's so proud of it you should have se-," Freya was interrupted by a loud and heavy noise.
Sage was thrown out of her crystal and it shattered. She got up and started running.
"What is going on," Freya said, running to her.
Sage was throwing her hands at them, but Freya and Spade kept running at her. The closer they became the more that was revealed. The beautiful galaxy that was once a whole was now shattering into smoke. It was a magnificent destruction. Wendigo flew above Sage's running from the same fate they all would meet if they didn't make it out in time. Freya and Spade started running in the opposite direction. The destruction was loud. Almost as if a wave was soon to wash over them.
"Sage, where are we supposed to go," Spade frantically screamed.
"I don't know, I've only been here a couple of times and this has never happened, but we aren't alone!"
"What do you mean we aren't alone who else is here," Spade huffed out.
"I think I know what you're talking about. I saw my reflection before I left the past and it was different. It was too different," Freya tried to talk over the wave of destruction following behind them.
Wendigo was struggling to keep up and before anyone knew it he was consumed by the shattered smoke. Sage knew he would be fine so they pressed forward doing their best to keep running as the crystaled stars around them began to shatter and cave in. The three of them couldn't run for much longer.
"Freya, throw me," Sage yelled with a determined look on her face.
"THROW YOU," Spade and Freya said simultaneously.
"YES! JUST DO IT," Sage screamed, jumping into Freya's arms.
Freya used most of her force to throw Sage ahead of them by a lot. Sage landed and stood her ground. She swirled her hands as a light blue ball began to form and expand. She continued to expand and wait for Spade and Freya to pass her.
"Sage what are you doing," Freya screamed through the hollowed area of what was left of the amitest galaxy.
"Just trust me and get down," Sage screamed back.
The light blue ball was begging to change colors and it slowly expanded a little bigger than Sage's head. Freya and Spade made it past her but she didn't budge. The wave of smoke and mirrors continued in her past as Sage stood her ground. Once the wave met three feet in front of Sage she threw her hands out sending a multicolored beam straight to it. The beam began to build a wall and consume the wave. As Sage's hands sent a beam more smaller orbs shot from her hands connecting with the wave of destruction helping the wall be built. Spade and Freya were in awe as the wave stopped at Sage's command. Sage turned and used one hand to open a doorway through the galaxy of memories.
"Go now," Sage commanded Freya and Spade.
"What about you," Spade screamed back to his twin.
"I'm right behind you!"
Sage turned back confident in her move as she continued to hold and push the wave of dark smoke and glass back. She slowly stepped forward making sure that nothing would get past her. Spade and Freya ran through the doorway as a bright white light consumed them. Sage did her best to keep the wave at bay and keep a steady stance. She stared at the wave with confidence and fear. She could see somewhat of a figure in the haze of it all. The figure had long hair and flowing drapes of cloth blowing in the wind and destruction behind the multi coloured spectacle. The figure had a somewhat glow to them that struck Sage with nothing but fear. Sage pushed one last time sending the wave into a still state as she boosted herself off th"e ground flying herself off the ground. She kept at a steady pace towards the doorway as the wall of transparent multi colors cracked and snapped releasing the wave of destruction. Sage tried to fly fast and faster, but the wave grew and followed her faster than anything she has ever seen before. The doorway was just at her fingertips when tragedy struck.
Freya and Spade tripped over each other and stumbled through the doorway and back into the observatory. The hit the stone floor hard and Spade cut his palm when he tried to catch himself. The doorway closed behind him and Freya with a small zap and a flash.
"What," Spade said in shock.
"No no no no no no. This can't be happening. Come back. Come back. Freya she isn't back. Freya, what do I do," a sense of darkness washed over Spade as he grasped the air for the doorway to open back up.
"Spade," Freya said, shaking but stern.
"No no no; It's all my fault," Spade's eyes began to water.
Freya grabbed Spade and hugged him tightly so he would stop breaking down.
"Hush Spade. Hush," Freya said calmly as Spade began to whimper.
They sat on the floor desperately hoping it's not over. She's not over. She's not gone. Spade began sobbing as the air became stiff and still and it felt like time froze. He was consumed in his tears as Freya held him. His hand dripped on the floor with blood. Spade felt as if his ribs were going to cave in and his heart was going to explode. Freya tried to comfort him as much as she could but she didn't know how to. She looked around the room to try and stop the bleeding on his palm and she saw a flicker of light in front of them. It was like a light bulb wasn't screwed all the way in.
"Spade look," Freya said hopefully.
Spade looked up and his expression changed dramatically. He seemed happy, almost cheerful. The light was almost like a ripple. It flickered like a heartbeat. With a loud boom it expanded into the doorway it was once before. The ground shook and the small pebbles from the stoned floor bounced around as if playing hopscotch. A blurr blasted through the barrier of light and straight into the table against the wall. The table was in pieces and all the vials and books smashed and torn to shreds. Spade threw Freya off of him and ran to see if it was Sage. Sage was laid across the splinters of the table that was left. She groaned in pain as she opened her eyes.
"I thought you were dead," Spade said, punching her in the arm then hugging her.
"I guess I'm back from the dead then. Ew you're getting blood in my hair," Sage quietly groaned in pain.
Spade used his powers and healed her entire body and she was almost brand new. His hand healed in the process. They both had scars from their cuts and bruises.
"It's all over now. I never want you to do that to me again, ok," Spade said, hugging Sage tighter than before.
Sage pushing herself away a little, "It's not all over. Something. Someone was in there with us and we lost Wendigo. He was the protector of that place and now we have to only open it when it is necessary. Until then we leave it where it is and they stay where they are."

A/N: Okay we finally finished this chapter 😮‍💨 God that took way too long to make..

Word Count: 4800

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