Chapter XV: The Most Boring Chapter (I suggest you read it tho)

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Kamari continued to walk towards Nixon on the floor. She grabs the front of Nixon's shirt and throws him on his feet. She brushed her hands on her shirt.
"Thanks," Nixon said, side-eyeing Lux across the room.
"I suggest that we wait for our trainers." Kamari says.
"What are we even training for," Lux said, making a face at Nixon.
"Stop with the attitude," Kamari said, pointing at both of them settling the dispute.
"Whatever you say minha princesa," Lux said bowing dramatically.
"What? I'm not a princess" Kamari said, confused.
"Well I mean you are basically dating the second hand princess here."
"Leave her out of it. This is between you and me and she isn't even a princess. She is a knight with her father."
"Well if the boot fits."
As this was said, Freya opens the door to the room.
"Enough!" Freya yells at both Nixon and Lux.
Two more people enter behind Freya. One of them was an unfamiliar face. Her face was shaped like an oval, she has dark brown hair with bangs that covered her forehead, half of her hair was put up behind her in a low ponytail and the sides of the ponytail were in braids, but the rest of it was down, she has rosy cheeks and maroon coloured lips, she was wearing a off-white dress, with long sleeves, and a long skirt. She also wears a long coat with brown fur on top of the shoulders and they wrap around her shoulders, underneath the cape the color changes into a dark brown. Lastly she had an old gold pendant attached to a golden necklace.
The next one that followed looked familiar to Lux. He had dark blonde, curly, short hair. He had light brown eyes, and he was tall but not as tall as Freya. He was wearing a maroon silk button down half tucked shirt with black jeans and a chain connecting his back pocket to the front. On the chain he had small charms that symbolize his victories from battles.
"This is how this is going to work. Nixon with me. Kamari with Sage. Lux with Freya. So you better get buckled up, because we have work to do," Spade said sternly but in a fun manner.
"We all spar at the end of the week," Sage said, brushing her pony tail braids off her shoulder.
"Oh this is going to be fun," Freya said with a quite frightening grin.
Two days have passed now and everyone has come quite a long way since the beginning. The mentors have given Lux, Nixon, and Kamari daily challenges which most of them have passed. Sage gave Kamari the challenge of making a pot explode in on itself. Kamari passed with ease. Lux was given the challenge to lay a finger on Freya. They didn't pass. Spade made Nixon bring him a souvenir from each realm without causing problems. Lux had to drag the bodies to the dungeon.
After Kamari passed her first challenge Sage made her stand on one foot on top of a pedestal 30 ft high. Her goal was to use the pots at the bottom and get down without letting her other foot touch the ground. Eventually Nixon completed his challenge and caused no problems at all. For his second challenge it was a quite difficult one. He was to start at the roof of the castle and get to the bottom using the outside wall before Spade made it to the ground. Lux finally figured out Freya's movement. They realized that the only way to beat Freya is to be Freya. Instead of Lux lunging in head on and trying to attack her, they used her moves against her. Eventually they found a weak spot which was her legs. All Lux had to do was lay a finger on Freya and that's what they did. Freya gave Lux the second challenge of getting through an obstacle course without getting hit or falling off of the platform.
After a couple failures that were not harsh at all Kamari passed her second and third challenge with ease. The third challenge was to defeat 25 training dummies surrounding her, closing a circle formation the longer she took to defeat them. She was taught a special move to destroy and daze enemies. Kamari bounded her hands together with a purple glow. Changing her fearful appearance to a fierce bravery, her purple glow changed to a fiery gold. With a quick and swift motion Kamari separated her hands sending a smoky surge of gold energy to the dummies surrounding her. The dummies fell to pieces and Kamari stood in the middle of the destruction.
Nixon wasn't having the best time with his second challenge. The first couple tries; he basically died again. His face planted onto the ice and Spade had to revive Nixon like a video game character. Soon after Nixon's fifth or sixth death he finally came to the conclusion that the only way to beat Spade down was to reset him. Nixon did his best to open a portal but eventually figured it out. He opened a portal in front of Spade so he would run into it and start right back at the top of the castle. Nixon did this about twenty three times before he opened a portal to the bottom floor and met Spade there after about 40 minutes of portal loops. For Nixon's third challenge Spade decided to focus more on his weapon spawning and hand to hand combat. They made their way back to the training room where Kamari and Sage were waiting for the others to finish their challenges.
"Can we have the space please," Spade said calmly to Sage.
"Of course, Kamari, will you join me at the bench?"
"This is gonna be good," Kamari said, walking to the bench.
"So, Nixon, what's your favorite weapon? A katana? A traditional sword? Maybe a kunai," Spade said, slightly smirking.
"I actually like duo swords. More momentum that way," Nixon said very confidently.
"Oh good so you won't put up much of a fight then."
"It's on old man," Nixon said, spawning two swords.
"Who are you calling old, I'm only one year older than you," Spade laughed, grabbing two brass knuckle knives.
Nixon swiftly moves to Spade swinging his swords. Spade slides under Nixon's legs turning his body to face the ground. Spade stops himself and uses the bullet in the brass knife to shoot Nixon in the back base of his skull. With a slight slosh and a thud Nixon hit the ground stone cold and dead. Kamari calmy stood to check on her friend. Sage put her hand out and stopped her.
"Just watch," Sage said, sitting Kamari back down.
"He will understand eventually, don't worry Spade has him."
Spade walked over to Nixon and healed him with a quick jolt. Nixon sat straight up feeling the back of his head.
"You shot me. YOU FREAKING SHOT ME, YOU BITCH," Nixon fumingly screamed, turning around to face Spade.
As Nixon turned around Spade was gone. Nixon spawned his swords back and walked to the center of the arena.
"Nixon, your problem is that you focus on two points, your momentum and stabbing the center of your opponent. However you leave yourself vulnerable to any hand to hand and ranged attacks. You're an easy target to kill. You just got lucky fighting Xantara," Spade's voice echoed through the arena like a ghost.
"If anyone is lucky then it's you, I can open a portal to you and slice you in half if I wanted to. And if I'm such an easy target to kill then why am I still standing," Nixon screamed, turning in circles prepared for Spade's next attack.
"Who said you were still standing," Spade whispered in Nixon's ear, kicking his leg in.
  With Nixon on the ground Spade saw his opportunity and with a slice dropped Nixon to the floor.
"Come on Spade don't you think that's a little much," Sage said, making an uneasy expression.
"Is it though, we saw what he can do. I could be dead right now but he is still holding back. I've had enough," Spade said, jolting Nixon back to life.
Nixon got up swinging only to the air. Cautiously looking around, Spade jumped on his shoulders holding his head still. Spade put his brass knife in the bottom of Nixon's chin and shot. Spade slowly put Nixon on the ground.
"Spade this is too much, let him at least see you," Sage said, standing up and crossing her arms.
"Where's the fun in that," Spade said, healing Nixon once again.
Nixon got up and this time had a plan. Spade came with a slash at Nixon's throat, but before the blade could cut Sage used her powers and stopped Spade, paralyzing him for a brief moment. Nixon had used his powers to create a suit of gold plated armor. Sage walked over slapping Spade in the back of the head and standing between the two of them.
"Nixon power down and return to your room, Kamari you do the same," Sage said freeing Spade.
" What the hell is wrong with you? He was about to get it," Spade said, putting his weapons away.
"If I would have truly believed that Spade I would have let you guys finish. Whatever pent up energy you have right now, you leave it on the battlefield," Sage said as Spade turned away.
"Hey look at me. That was not right. Our task is to train and help them. We are to teach them. Do you understand me, Spade?"
"I understand, I'll change my method and do it right."
"I know you will."
Freya and Lux were still in the courtyard which had the obstacle course set up. After about forty five tries or so Lux passes the course. With several swift evades, and a couple new tactics they learned from several fights now they finally made it through. Freya met Lux at the end of the course to give them their third challenge.
"You finally made it through. Do you understand what I was trying to teach you though," Freya said crossing her arms.
"Was it that I'm going to get my ass kicked a lot, cause that's just what I did," Lux said, grabbing their arm which had a cut on it.
"No, it was patience. You head in to almost all your fights. You're a good fighter but you lack the patience for it."
"I have patience. I was taught that at a very young age."
"I could tell that you have had the lesson before, but your judgment and emotions got in the way of it. Whatever you've been through has to be hard. So I figured that you needed a refresher. Tomorrow you will have to be blindfolded and put in a dark room. You will have to use your senses to fight me which I will be able to see. For now go get some rest and clean your arm up."
"How is that even fair? I can't see but you can. That's bs!"
"Look you'll understand eventually but for now go get rest. I will meet you in the arena tomorrow," Freya said, walking into the castle door to the dining room.
Lux went to their room and met with Nixon and Kamari in the halls on the way. Nixon looked beaten up but Kamari looked spotless. You could easily tell who had been put through hell and back.
"What happened to you," Lux asked Nixon.
"I died over twenty three times. What about you," Nixon said, putting his arm around Lux.
"I had to go through an obstacle course and learnt patience. You sound like it was way more fun for you," Lux said, shoving Nixon's arm off of them.
"Well I wish you both luck on the next trial," Kamari said walking into her room.
Nixon and Lux walked into their room and instantly plopped in their beds.
"I hate training with Spade. I didn't even get to look at him today before he put me on the ground just to revive me and do it again and again." Nixon said, turning over to face Lux.
"Yeah you sound like you literally went to hell and back. Freya is no better though. I have to be blind folded and in the dark to fight her when she can see. These challenges are nothing but unfair," Lux said sitting up on the side of his bed.
" Ok, hear me out. I think I have a plan," Nixon said, jumping up with excitement.
Words: 2118

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