Chapter VIII: A Taste of Revenge

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Three and Kamari rush over to Nixon. Kamari checks his pulse and Three says
"Is he alive?" they say frantically. Kamari nods.
"He's alive, just unconscious."  Kamari responds.
Fueled with rage, Three turns around and takes out their daggers ready for a fight. All three of the horse men left alive started charging at them with no remorse for their own deaths and or the one they might have taken. Three runs forward meeting their horses with blows from left and right. They used the ice to their advantage and slid on their knees, slashing the horse's leg clean off with one cut. The man riding the horse went flying into the icy lake and broke the ice with the slam of his body. The second horseman stood no more of a chance to kill Three than the first one. Only this time instead of going low, Three went high. They used the horses neck to swing them around and kick the second horseman off their horse and straight through the ice, still riding the second horseman's horse. Three turned it around and went straight forward at the third Horseman, meeting the horseman's eyes with a deathly gaze of rage. Three stood on top of the horse and kicked down, sending them into a back flip to land in a spider-like pose. The horse fell to the ground sliding at the third horseman. Both horses fell to the ice with heavy blows. The horseman however lands on his feet still charging at Three. Three took it as a challenge and ran faster than they ever could. Kamari turned and got up to help Three with their battle, but she was too late. Three was standing behind her with the horseman's head dangling by his hair in Three's hand.
It was silent between the two. They were just staring at each other. The tense silence was broken by the sound of footsteps headed towards them. Kamari turns around to see who it is. Freya and two other warriors were walking towards them. Freya looks around for the horse men and sees them on the ground.
"What happened?" Freya asks, concerned.
"What do you mean, you have eyes don't you?," Three snaps at Freya.
"Idiot,  you don't know what you've done."
Freya stomps and takes Three by the throat and lifts them into the air.
"You have caused an act of war, you are the stupidest person I have ever met," Freya said, fuming with fury!
Three stared into her beastly eyes with fear as her arms became stronger and colder, as if she was going to turn Three to ice. Freya's eyes became red and she was huffing and puffing as her breath was visible .
"I will behead you and hang it in the dining hall with all the other trophies I have collected, you insignificant little shit."
"Ok, and your point exactly," Three said, gasping for air as Freya's grip became tighter and tighter. Three was clawing at Freya's hand. It felt like ice was entering their throat.
"FREYA PUT THEM DOWN NOW," A deep voice echoed through the valley shaking the thin ice below everyone's feet.
Freya immediately dropped Three with no remorse at all. Kamari rushed to catch Three. Three started to cough blood up gasping for the cold air that they can barely breathe without being in pain.
"They have caused an act of war, father," Freya said, concerned and angry.
The king walks towards them to see the damage that has been done. The king was horrified by the pieces of body splattered along the icy floor.
"Are thes-," The king cut himself off seeing the horrific massacre that was laying before him.
He turned away not being able to bare the sight of the bodies and the state they were in.
"Three didn't kill these two guards. They only killed the one in his hand," Kamari said, checking on Three to make sure they could breathe right.
"What do you mean? Then who killed these two," Freya asked confused.
"Nixon did." Kamari responded.
"How did that child do this? He is more of a child than Three and they are younger."
"He wasn't really himself. The way we came here was through his portal, but he was more of a god then a foolish human. He became golden like his skin color. This time however a weapon appeared in his hand pure of light and he went through the portal and did this. The other two are somewhere in the lake under us. Nixon fainted and Three took revenge."
"So he is unstable and could go off at any minute. He needs to be detained."
"No, from my knowledge he's triggered when he feels a strong emotion, so far it's been fear."
"Then why is he with you two? If anything, Three probably causes him fear."
"Bitch don't even, you are basically a mountain compared to him," Three mumbled raspily, sounding pissed off.
"Trust me, dwarf you don't want to go there, well what triggered him this time?"
"We don't know, we came through a portal when Kamari showed up and told us that we were under attack."
"Wait, he knows how to control the portals now?"
"Somewhat, he just figured it out and now here we are."
"Get your trophies or whatever you call those limbs and follow us back to the castle," Freya said with authority.
After they got back to the castle, Nixon finally woke up. The bodies were put into coffins as an act of respect for other kingdoms. Three was under questioning with Kamari so they can get the story straight before they declare the deaths of the five men. Nixon woke up back in his room unaware of what actually happened. However in some ways he felt different. As if he was made of light and he was electrified.
Words: 983

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