Chapter VI: Meeting Her Parents

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"Dinner?! With them?! They are going to kill us!" Three yelled.
"Calm down, if he does in fact know my mother we are in good hands." Kamari said calmly
"Good hands?! That girl broke my rib!"
"You did charge at her, twice."
"Yeah Kamari's got a point there." Nixon says continuing to put the newly given clothes on.
The family wanted to make sure they felt like guests and not prisoners so they were given clean and new clothes. Their conversation was interrupted by a knock on the door. The door opened and a little kid with curly long red hair entered the room. She was short, she looked about 7.
"Father requires you at the dinner table. If you are able to accompany me and my fellow family members, it would be a pleasure." she says sharply and politely.
Kamari and Nixon shake their heads and Three is staring at the kid. The kid bows their head and closes the door.
"What does 'accompany' mean?" they say confused
Nixon turns his head to face them, "What do you mean?" he pauses "You don't know what accompany means?"
Kamari sighed and walked out the door.
All three of them arrive at the dinner table. The walls were made out of stone and had bumps in them. On the walls were mounted deer, bears, moose, cow, wildcats, and other alien creatures. In the middle of the room was a long table made out of brown maple wood. There were 21 plates and wood beer mugs. There were a bunch of kids talking and laughing at the table.
There were three open seats. They went to sit in the empty seats. Kamari sat beside Freya, Nixon sat beside Kamari, and Three sat beside Nixon and beside some random kid who was pulling his brother's hair. Nixon seemed to fit right in, he was laughing and talking with the children. While Three growled at them when they tried talking to them. Kamari was mustering up the courage to talk to Freya, but Freya looked stern, fierce, and unapproachable. Freya's father finally joined them after a few minutes. The room went silent as everyone looked at their father. Three, Kamari, and Nixon followed.
"Thank you all for not eating without me," Freya's father said.
Nixon put his turkey leg back on his plate instead of in his mouth.
"Sorry," Nixon mumbled under his breath.
"So, guest I have been told that you all have powers. Am I understanding that correctly," Freya's father asked Three, Kamari, and Nixon.
"Yes that is correct, but the problem is we can't use them very well at all," Kamari said with an almost questioning tone.
"You can say that again," Three said, giving Nixon a "love tap" to the back of the head.
"I will send you to hell if I need to," Nixon said, snapping back.
"Really? I'd like to see you try."
Nixon started to clench his fist ready to punch someone.
"Knock it off, both of you two are embarrassing me," Kamari screamed in their ears while pinching and pulling at them!
"Children calm down, Now can you all sit down please," Freya's father asked them politely.
"Now tomorrow we have our annual reach out dance for the citizens and the royal family to attend. Since you are our guest we have prepared outfits for you in your rooms. If you need anything please ask Freya she is under order not to throw anymore of you," Freya's father chuckles as he announced to the table of guests and children.
"On the matter of your powers however, I have assigned each of you a trainer and a routine to follow. We will prepare suits and suitable weapons to match your powers and personalities. And as for tonight you are here for luxury and pleasure, please help yourselves to anything. And Nixon you can now eat your turkey leg."
" I already ate it 12 minutes ago, but thanks anyway. I'll probably get another tonight," Nixon said, oddly calm and silly.
As the king, Nixon, Freya, and Kamari continued their conversation, Three looked down the table to see another boy our age who was very attractive in ways that are indescribable. "He looks so good, but how? He looks like a nerd, but an oddly hot one. Wait am I blushing, I can't blush that's not fair. Emotions just die already," Three thought to themselves blushing and turning as red as a strawberry. Nixon and one of the children ended up joining together and teasing Three.
"Now look who has a fat crush you brooding werido," Nixon teased Three first.
" Does he like my brother? This is going to go so chaotic well it's not even funny," One of the children chimed in on Nixon's comment.
"I will kill both of you in your sleep if you don't stop annoying each other," Kamari said as she noticed Three anger about to let loose.
Words: 826

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