Chapter XVI: The Parent Trap

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A plan was forged that night. In the morning all three of them returned to the arena where they met their trainers.
"Come on Nixon, you're up first." Spade said as he walked to grab his weapons.
"Okay well I'll let you two clash it out, Kamari care to join me in the library?" Sage asked, holding her elbow out. Kamari nodded, allowing Sage and her to lock elbows. They walked back into the castle.
Freya had a mad expression on her face. Her eyebrows were furrowed, her eyes were so sharp you could cut diamonds on them, and her lips were downturned. Lux noticed this because Freya was squeezing their shoulder.
"Ow ow ow Freya stop!" Lux said, they were in pain and tears were forming in their eyes.
"Oh, sorry." Freya coldly said, taking her hand off of Lux's shoulder.
"What's wrong with you?" Lux asked, holding onto their maybe broken shoulder. Freya didn't answer them, instead she started to head to the place Freya and Lux usually trained at. Lux ran after her.
"Hey! I was talking to you!" Lux paused and thought for a moment. Lux suddenly snapped and pointed at Freya.
"You're jealous." They said with a sharp grin.
"Jealous? Never." Freya snapped at Lux.
"Oooo you totally are! You're jealous that Sage and Kamari have been all lovey dovey!" Lux laughed and made kissing noises. Freya turned to look at Lux and grabbed their non broken shoulder. You could tell she was angry by the way she was squeezing Lux's shoulder and her cold expression.
"Drop it." Her voice was low, almost sounding like a growl.
"Get in your stance, and prepare for your ass to get handed to you," Spade said confidently.
"You're not going to let me get a weapon first," Nixon said confused.
"You can spawn your own, remember, unless you want to switch it up a little today."
"Yeah. I wanted to try out some of the daggers here," Nixon said walking over to the weapon rack.
"Is that your favorite weapon to use? You had them last time."
"Yeah they are better to use your momentum. They are light and easy to use."
"Mhm and your fighting style is improvable?"
"Well yeah there's always room for improvement. Right?"
"Right. Now get ready," Spade said stancing.
"Begin," Sage's voice echoed from a somewhat odd speaker.
Nixon swooped forward aiming for Spade's neck. Spade leaned back barely dodging the dagger, which swiped across the tip of his nose. Spade turned himself back up right and kicked Nixon's thigh temporarily pinpointing a nerve. Seconds later Nixon was right back up looking around the room waiting. From the shadows Spade swiftly cut the back of Nixon's knee. Nixon fell into a kneeling stance and Spade went back to the shadows. Nixon, using all of his strength, got up and limped to the weapon rack going for a shield. Not even seconds later Nixon was hit again but this time with a bullet that cut his ear. The startle made Nixon fall as Spade walked up and healed him. 
"You're off your game today, what's wrong," Spade said, smirking.
"Nothing is wrong with me. Let's keep going," Nixon said standing up.
The two got back into their beginning stances. Instead of Sage announcing the beginning the two fighters gave each other a glare commencing the beginning of the fight. Spade lunged forward. Nixon grabbed him by the hip and kicked his ankle in. Nixon held Spade by the hip, preventing him from hitting the floor. They were in a dip position. Nixon held a dagger to Spade's throat.
"Am I off my game now? Cause I'm pretty sure if I kept going you'd be dead," Nixon said smirking.
"For you no. But I'm sure Nixon is. If I'm right Freya has him blind folded right now telling him to hit her," Spade said standing up.
"What are you talking about, I'm right here," Nixon said, throwing his hands up.
Spade walked over to him and whispered in his ear, " Oh sweet Lux you can't fool the king of mischief"
As Spade backed away he left Lux in a flustered state.
"How di-. I mea-," Lux said red faced.
"Well you said that your favorite weapon was a dagger and you threw the momentum line out there like you've never said it before. It was a good plan until you both poorly thought out how well we knew you guys. And not to mention the dip move you pulled," Spade said, wiping his sweat off his head with a towel.
"How do you know me so well anyways."
"You forget we were at the bar that night of the ball. I figured you out after a few drinks. I also saw you fight with daggers twice now."
Spade walked closer and grabbed Lux's arm. Spade pulled them close and whispered one last time, " Your nose twitches when you get flustered too. Not to mention how tight your forearms got when you took your stance. Nixon's are a twig compared to yours."
Spade patted Lux's arm twice and walked out the arena with the towel around his neck. Lux was dumb founded and could only stand there.
During the fight between Lux and Spade, Kamari and Sage were watching from the library window. Kamari hasn't talked much today. Sage noticed and blew it off since she usually was, but Sage liked to talk.
¨Impressive spell.¨
¨What?¨ Kamari replied, confused
¨That spell you did on Nixon and Lux, How long have you been learning that spell?¨ Sage turned to look at her.
¨I just found the book last night when they asked me to help them.¨ Kamari said calmly. Sage was taken aback but a slight smile spread across her face
¨You are truly fascinating, that spell took me at least a week to master and I am a master of the mystic arts.¨ Sage paused ¨Isn't your mother Venus Vortik?¨ Kamari nodded.
"Yes, did you know her?"
"Yes actually. She was my trainer, that's how I knew how to train you."
"Can you tell me why she was here?"
"Sadly no I wasn't that close with her, but I can tell you one thing."
"What's that?"
"Your mother wasn't nearly as attractive as you."
"I think we should check back in with the others now," Kamari says headed for the door.
Freya and Nixon had already started the third challenge for Lux. Freya could tell something was off but couldn't pinpoint what it was. She watched from the comfort of one of the dummies she had set up to fake out Lux.
"What is going on with them? They're not petty or angry, they're scared like actually scared," Freya thought to herself.
Nixon began to try and hit Freya, but was stupidly punching air about to pee his pants. Freya knew that this couldn't be Lux. She walked up to Nixon and took off the blind fold. Nixon saw her and jabbed her in the face. Freya, unfazed and not moving said,
"Tell what's going on or I will dangle you from the top of the castle until the rope breaks.
"Please no. I'm Nixon and you're a very scary woman," Nixon said, trembling like a lost puppy.
"You stupid child, I could've killed you if I didn't notice the attitude change, as you would call it."
The spell wore off and Nixon was changed back into himself.
"Come on we're going back to the arena before I decide to feed you to the wolves," Freya said coldly, grabbing Nixon by the hair. The two walked back to the arena meeting Spade half way.
"Did you know about this," Freya said, lifting Nixon up by the hair.
"Not 'til a couple minutes ago when I figured it out," Spade said, patting Nixon on the cheek.
"Can you stop holding me by the hair? I have legs," Nixon said squirming and in pain.
Freya dropped him, and his body collapsed.  Kamari and Sage walked in, and continued the conversation.
"Well if you two would stop messing with the poor boy," Sage said, helping Nixon up off the floor.
"Did you know about this?" Freya asked, now fuming with a raging pulse.
"Yes I did know about this. Kamari's magic is very impressive," Sage said slowly, ending the conversation as she looked at Kamari.
"Woah what was that," Nixon asked, pointing at both of them.
Freya seemed a little ticked off by this remark
"That was nothing. If it was something then all three of us wouldn't be standing here," Freya said storming off bumping into Sage.
Words: 1442

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