Chapter VII: The Kiss of Death

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Soon after dinner everyone retired to their chambers to sleep for the long journey ahead. After a few hours, Kamari couldn't sleep so she stared at the ceiling wondering what to actually do. She was startled however when the door to their room opened. Kamari jumped to the door and kneed the intruder's head, knocking them back. Little did she know that it was Freya and she just basically broke her knee.
"Freya, I didn't know that was you, I'm sorry," Kamari went to check on her, then gathered herself again.
"Pull yourself together, beautiful. There's no need for the fuss. I've taken more hits then you can imagine," Freya said, seeming like a different person.
"Who is this stranger I have hit in the head. She's not the same person I met earlier," Kamari thought to herself.
"You seem different then you were acting today." Kamari says
"Oh yeah well, when I'm working I tend to be pretty stern and intimidating, plus the armor doesn't make it better." she chuckles, leaning on the doorframe.
Kamari's frozen frown finally broke and now she was slightly smiling at Freya.
"So what did you come in here for?" Kamari questions her
"Oh, well I wanted to see if you were awake and I wanted to apologize for how I acted today with you and your friends."
"Oh it's really alright, I understand why you did what you did, we were strangers to you and still are."
"Eh, after having dinner with all of my 16 siblings you're not a stranger." she snickered.
"Yeah I suppose so, well why else did you come into my room?"
"I want to show you something, come with me gorgeous." she says while holding her hand out for her to grab.
Kamari pauses looking at her rough hands with uncertainty. "No I can't-I can't trust anyone, remember what our brother made us promise."  she thought to herself. She pushed Freya's hand back into her chest and shook her head.
"No--No I can't , why do you trust me?" Kamari says confused
"I don't know why I trust you, I just do, just come with me. I'm not going to kill you, I promise you can even bring a weapon."
The two girls began their way to the top of the castle to stargaze. As the night sky meets the two girls' eyes Kamari thought to herself, "How is this galaxy so beautiful? How is she so beautiful? What am I saying?" The girls came to the spot neatly put up on the roof.
" You are going to love this so much," Freya said excitedly.
"But what are we doing here," Kamari asked, curious but confused?
"You'll see just turn out the light," Freya said, staring at Kamari almost within an awe.
Kamari turned out the lamp on the small wooden table next to her. Freya gently pushed Kamari back onto the two pillows placed over the patterned blanket on the floor. The two girls looked up at the sky to see the beautifully lit galaxy full of twinkling stars. Freya turned to her side to talk to Kamari and tell her the tale of the kingdom.
"So you see that dark shadow just peeking over the mountain," Freya asked with a calm and smooth tone.
"Yes, it looks hot and dangerous, but beautiful due the crystal like state of the mountain," Kamari said with a concerned look on her face.
"You must never go there for as long as you are here, gorgeous."
"Why do you insist on calling me that constantly?"
"Because you are gorgeous."
The two girls stared at each other's eyes with an odd twinkle in both. Something was pleasantly off setting. The stars and galaxy added a pinky tone to the atmosphere. They felt warm and light, and with an instant notice became closer.
"If you will let me dar-," Freya was cut off with the piercing of Kamari's lips as they touched hers. The stars began to fall almost like fireworks.
Sadly the girls were interrupted however with a clapping of hooves from a distance. Over the frozen crystal blue, five men on hooved horses are armed and ready to fight.  
"Go get your warriors, I will get Nixon and Three," Kamari said, getting up from the blanket.
"Okay, are you going to be safe beautiful?"
"Yes am I, now go!" Kamari says while climbing back into the castle.
Kamari runs down the hallways to find Three's and Nixon's room. After a while she finds the room. She knocks on the door and opens it,
She rushes into Nixon and Three's room and scans it. No one. "Where the hell are they?" she says, concerned. In a flash a portal opens in front of her and out comes Nixon and Three. They slam into the half opened door and land on the floor with a thud. They both groan as they find their balance.
"Nixon, Three! What happened?" Kamari asks
"Ouch, Well good news Kamari I am figuring out my powers and learning to control them." Nixon says, holding his head.
"Well, bad news we are currently being attacked." Kamari says in a straight face. Something. This concerned alert triggers Nixon once again. He becomes this golden god for the second time in a row. His hand reached towards Kamari's throat as more sparks began to form a shape.
"Nixon what are you doing! Stop before someone gets hurt," Three screams!
Nixon ignores their cries and continues. With a flash of bolting light a double headed spear appears into his hand. With his other hand he reaches the opposite way creating a portal to the warriors riding into battle. He bolts through with Kamari and Three following. The portal closed, however by the time Kamari and Three turned back around they saw Nixon standing over two of the men with blood splattered across his face and dripping from his spear. Nixon falls to the ground dropping like a fly.
Words: 1000

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