Pilot (Pt. 3)

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It's better than the cops having it.


"Okay, check the bag. See if there's a name on it somewhere." John B instructs the blonde. He listens and goes to a duffel bag that is sitting on a table, while John goes to a bag that is on one of the two beds. 

"A jacket."

"Denim Slides." 

"This map doesn't make any sense." Juniper says while inspecting the piece of paper on the night stand. She noticed that the only spot circled was off the continental shelf, which means it's not where whoever lived there was fishing. 

"What do you mean?"JJ asks while making his way over to the brunette.

"No name on the jacket. It's a nice jacket, though. Definitely over 50. He's got new balances." John B says while still searching through the bag.

"Yo, dude, come here. Maybe this is where they were fishing." JJ responds.

"No, that's off the continental shelf. That's Big Swell. Nobody fishes there." John responds while assessing the map. He notices a piece of paper with a five digit code but decides it didn't have any use.

"Which is why it doesn't make any sense. What's the point of going out to middle of nowhere on a Grady-White if you aren't going to fish?" Juniper asks while trying to think of why this spot is circled. the boys just turn to look at the rest of the room for clues. 

"Coffee?" John asks to lighten the mood. 

"Ooo, yes please. Johnny B." The girl answers excitedly at the mention of caffeine. 

"Standard tissues for when you get lonely." JJ says while pointing his flashlight at the box.

"Experience that often, Maybank?" Junie responds.

"Not if you can help it." He responds with a wink before entering the bathroom. "Oh!" The boy says excitedly. Juniper joins the boy to find him digging through a gray bathroom bag. She leans against the door-frame and crosses her arms.

"Did you find anything?" John B asks from the room.

"A really awesome Dopp kit you won't let me steal." The blonde responds before shoving a deodorant in his pocket and turning to leave. He was met with Juniper staring at him with a blank face. He freezes and purses his lips. 

"Yeah, 'cause we're not stealing shit." John replies, slightly annoyed at the blonde's choice of words.

"Just this once, JJ." The girl says before turning around to see what John B is doing. JJ let out a sigh of relief because he really didn't want a Junie lecture right now. He soon joined the other two in the bedroom to find John B crouched in front of a safe.

"One, one, one, one, one." the boy mutters while pressing the buttons on the safe. Which, of course, didn't open.

"Punching shit at random, That will... definitely work." JJ says. "I don't know. I don't know about the second one. These coordinates, they...... Wait. My cousin said you can catch swordfish here." he says while looking over the map.

"Wait, wait. Try this." Juniper says while grabbing a sticky note with a five digit code on it that she saw on the night stand. "6-1-6-6-6." She reads while making her way back over to the safe.

"Nah, that wouldn't make sense. What about a surf spot?" 

The lock clicks as soon as John B enters the code and Juniper slowly open the safe. It's safe to say that they were shocked. 

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