The Phantom (Pt. 3)

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He's gone and he's never coming back.


When the cars that were transporting the Pogues finally reached their destination, it was dark out. The cars pulled up in front of several tents and police cars and sirens were seen from every angle. 

"This way. Come on." Plumb says, guiding the teens into a tent in a single file line. 

"Right to your left here." Shoupe says from behind them as they enter the tent and see a line of metal chairs waiting for them. 

"Right here." Plumb says, pointing to the line of four chairs.

"Sit down. Don't move. We got a lot to talk about." Shoupe says before walking away. "Keep an eye on these kids." He says, walking past an SBI officer.

Juniper's ear start ringing and becoming foggy from all of the emotions she is feeling. She looks at Kiara and sees Pope resting his hand onto her and JJ's is resting on her knee that was bouncing not moments ago. 

"They're going to be okay, Love." JJ says into her ear, however it sounds like he is far away. She just nods in response before laying the side of her head against his shoulder. 

After a minute or two, everyone in the tents and outside of it start running around and yelling. The rain starts pounding and the teens grow cold. Just sitting in silence, not knowing if John B got away or not. Now that they know Sarah is with him, they feel a little bit better because he won't be alone.

Shoupe walks into the tent with Plumb and another officer. The teens stand up and meet them half way.

"Did you find them?" Pope asks.

"No." Shoupe says.

"So they got away?" Juniper asks hopefully.

"No. We, uh... we lost them. I'm sorry." Shoupe responds. 

"You lost them? What do you mean you lost them? Like, they're gone? What are you -- What are you talking about?" Pope asks.

"They took an open boat into a tropical depression, Pope." Shoupe responds.

"So they're dead?" Kiara asks, her eyes glossing over.

Shoupe pauses for a second before responding. "We don't know.

"You drove them straight through the storm, man! Are you kidding me? Come here! I'm gonna kill you!" JJ yells and rushes towards Shoupe and starts to shove him backwards.

"JJ, stop!" Kiara yells before the unknown officer stops him. 

"You killed him! He didn't kill anyone, and you know it!" Pope yells in Shoupe's face.

"We're still looking for him, all right?" Shoupe says uncertainly. Juniper stumbles back and starts to breathe heavier. The tears start to spill as she tries to calm her thoughts. 

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no." She mutters repeatedly while bringing her hands to the sides of her head while shaking it slowly. 

Juniper just stands off to the side before looking over and seeing her parents enter the tent. Anna hugs a sobbing Kiara while Mike heads towards Juniper. She starts bawling when he opens his arms.

"He's gone, Daddy. He's gone and he's never coming back." She sobs while holding on tightly to him.

"I know, baby. I know." He says and rubs her back gently. Soon after, Kiara and Anna join them and she immediately falls into her mom's arms.

"They're gone." She yells and sobs even harder.

"It's okay. It's okay." Anna says softly. Juniper pulls back and looks at her sobbing twin. She grabs her arm and tugs her into a hug. They bawl into each other's shoulders for what feels like hours.

They didn't only lose their best friends tonight, they each lost a part of their personalities, that they will never be able to get back.

This is the day that five become four.

A day they never thought would come.



That's a wrap!! My first ever book, complete!! I hope you loved it as much as I loved writing it! I'll see you in the sequal <3

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