Midsummers (Pt. 2)

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I look like a bourgeoisie pig.


"First I almost get strangled to death by a Kook, and now I'm on the hook for 30 grand." JJ complains from a tree that fell down from the storm. They are at their secret little beach that only the Pogues know about. Juniper is leaning her back on it and John B is standing in front of them. "We should just dip."

Juniper scoffs and shakes her head. "And go where, JJ?"

"Yucatan." The blonde replies without any hesitation.

"Yucatan?" John B repeats in disbelief.

"No, I'm dead serious right now. Surf all day, and then we can just liveoff lobsters we catch with our bare hands."

"You just wanna leave cause you got your ass beat." John snaps.

"Hey!" Juniper scolds with a glare towards the boy.

"You didn't see the photos." JJ says.

"Think about it.They're willing to kill for the gold, then it's gotta be out there." John B reasons.

"Seriously?" Juniper says in disbelief. "One hundred years, John. One hundred years of experts looking for this lost gold with no success and you really believe that a few teens will?!"

"If you keep goin' down this road,you're gonna end up just like your dad!" JJ adds.

"I can't give up, guys! The last time I saw that dude,we got in an argument, and then he took all of our rent moneyand dipped for this Royal Merchant. And then I told him he was a shit father, and you know howthe rest of the story goes." John B replies.

"That wasn't your fault, Johnny." The girl  responds softly.

"It doesn't matter whose fault it is, Juniper!  Do you not understand that? I can't give up on the hunt, guys. I don't care who's out there,who's gonna try to kill us. Do you understand that?!" The boy replies before taking a deep breathe and walking in the direction of the boat. "Look, I've got a plan. You comin' or what?" He asks before turning towards his blonde best friend. "Four hundred million, JJ. How much do you owe in restitution?"

JJ nods and jumps off of the fallen tree. Juniper doesn't move and looks between the boys with a blank expression. She knows that their plans never work out the way that they would like.

"You comin', Junie?" JJ asks while shoving his hands in his pockets.

"No." She responds while shaking her head. "Our plans are always way too risky and never work out the way we plan. I have to go home to get ready for Midsummers with Kiara, anyway." She responds while the three teens head towards the boat. Once they are all in, John B drives them away from the sand. The ride to the Carrera residence was silent, usually John would be talking about his plan, but respects that Juniper wants to stay out of it. He pulls up to the dock connected to her house and stops the boat. Juniper stands up and climbs onto the dock before turning to face the boys.

"Please be safe." She says with a worried expression.

"No promises." JJ jokes with a smile. This causes Juniper to chuckle and shake her head. The boys exchange waves with her before she turns and walks up to her house. 

Once she's inside she looks around the empty rooms in confusion. Her parents specifically took work off today to get ready for Midsummers. Juniper walks through the living room and up the stairs to her parents' room. She opens the door and sees her twin in a gorgeous silk lavender dress.

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