The Lucky Compass (Pt.1)

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You guys, not everything is a kingpin movie.


The next morning Juniper was woken up by Kiara jumping on her. She immediately rolls them over and pins Kie's hands on the bed.

"Ha! I win!" She says in triumph.

"Not yet!" Kie says before trying to turn them over. The two were full-on wrestling before Juniper came up with a strategy.

"Ow, Kie! My leg!" Juniper whines when Kie starts to win. She grabs her wound with her hands and scrunches her face up in pain.

"Oh, shit! I am so so sorry!" Kiara says while standing up from the bed. Out of nowhere, Juniper pounces off the bed and tackles her twin to the ground.

"Ha! Gotcha!" She says in triumph before standing up. She holds her hand out to help Kiara up from the ground. She wears a proud smile while Kie is glaring at her.

"Sooooo funny, you little cheater. Don't worry I'll get you back when you least expect it." Kie says before turning to walk out of Juniper's room. She turns back at the door to tell her sister what she originally came in to say. "We are all meeting at the Chateau in an hour, so be ready to go by then or I'm leaving your ass here." She says before leaving.

Juniper closes her door and walks to her closet to start getting ready. She puts on her favorite white bikini that matches the baby blue tank top she chose. (A/n the tank top is the picture attached.) She puts on her black, ripped, high-waisted booty shorts before going into her bathroom. She puts on her usual makeup and decides to softly curl her  hair. She puts on some gold necklaces (ones in the picture) and some rings. She puts on deodorant and signature perfume before tossing them in her bag. She grabs her Ray Bans and puts them on her head before putting on her white slip-on converse. She takes one last look in the mirror before leaving her room. 

She walks down stairs and fills her white Starbucks  tumbler with coffee and ice cubes. Then, opens the fridge to see if there is anything she would want to eat for breakfast.

"You don't have time to eat, Junie! Just grab something and let's go." Kiara says while walking through the kitchen towards the front door. Juniper sighs and decides to grab a granola bar and banana before following her sister. "Wait!" Juniper yells and successfully stops Kiara on the stairs that lead to the yard. She gestures towards her outfit with her free hand since the other is holding her coffee.

"You look hot as hell. What about me?" Kiara asks, worried that she waited till the last second for approval. She doesn't have time to change, so she hopes Juniper thinks it looks good.

"Sexy as ever." Juniper nods taking in her sister's outfit. She work a button up plum colored tank top that was cropped, the first button being undone, with dark washed shorts. Juniper shoots her twin a wink while sipping her coffee before they both get into the car. Juniper drives over to the Chateau and notices Pope sitting on the porch, so they decide to join him.

"Where's JJ and John B?" Kiara asks once they reach the boy.

"I'm not sure, but the Twinkie is gone so I assume they went somewhere." He answers.

"Do you think it has to do with the compass?" Juniper asks while taking a seat on the couch next to the boy's chair.

"Uhhhhhh, maybe, yeah, possibly." He stumbles over his words because he noticed Juniper's outfit and started to get flustered. "You look beautiful today, Juniper." He says once he gains most of his composure.

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