The Forbidden Zone (Pt. 1)

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It's a little Tootsie Roll.


Juniper reached for the FedEx package and gave it to Kie to hand back through the hole.

"That's not gold." Pope said in a disappointed tone.

"No shit, Sherlock." Juniper replied while Kiara boosted her through the hole. JJ let Juniper stand on his shoulders so that she could help Kie back through, as well.

"Holy shit. This is from my dad." John B said once the group was back together.

"Code red. Code red. Square groupers! Square groupers!" JJ exclaimed once he saw a golf cart driving towards them. The other teens rushed to the other side of the mausoleum and crouched down to lessen their chances of being seen. "It's the guys who robbed your house."

"Light. Turn your light off man." Pope said to JJ. The blonde boy was too focused on the  problem at hand so Juniper grabbed his face and turned it to face her. She pulled it closer to hers until she could literally hear his breath stop. She looked him in the eyes and slowly reached up to turn his headlamp off. 

She smiled and said, "Screw this." Before standing up and running in the direction of the gate they came through. JJ staid still for a minute longer, too stunned to think. Pope had to physically grab JJ's shirt and pull him up. The first four teens who jumped the gate did it with ease, whereas Pope had a little trouble.

"Guys! Guys! Guys, I'm stuck." Pope said. His short leg got caught on one of the spikes that decorated the top of the metal gate.

"I got you." Kiara responded and started to tug on the boy to get him free.

"No. Pope, don't move, ok?" JJ said while pulling his gun out of his pocket and pointing towards the boy. Juniper and John B immediately rushed to the blonde.

"What the hell are you thinking, Jay?" Juniper said while shoving the gun downwards to point at the dirt.

"You're gonna rip me. Wait. You're gonna rip me!" Pope said, getting more panicked about not having pants on then getting caught by those guys.

"You're fine. Come on." Kiara reasoned and gave one last tug before the boy was on his feet. His pants, in fact, did rip. The other teens started to laugh as they ran the short distance to the Twinkie. Juniper got in first before the rest followed.

"Nice! Come on, dude. It's a little Tootsie Roll." JJ said while climbing into the van. Juniper held the sliding door open from the inside and went on all fours to close it. JJ grabbed the girl's hips and pulled her backwards so she was sitting on his lap.

"Jeez, Jay. Give a girl a warning before you grab her from behind." Juniper says in annoyance while climbing off to sit next to him instead of on him.

"With your ass sticking out like that, how could I not?" The boy replied with a smirk and a wink. The girl just responded with a scoff and head shake.

"How you doin', Pope?" Juniper asked in amusement once she saw him slowly bring a blanket across his lap.

"Oh, uh, yeah, fine. Just peachy." He responded while throwing the girl an 'ok' sign with one hand while the other was holding the blanket in place. The other teens just chuckled and fell into a comfortable silence. They all decided to sleep at the Chateau that night, even though Kie and Junie knew it would get them into a shitload of trouble. They all gathered in the kitchen and dining room and, of course, JJ went straight to the food. John B and Kiara went to the table to assess the package while Pope stood next to JJ to watch him make a peanut butter sandwich.

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