Spy Games (Pt. 1)

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They don't give scholarships to kids who vengefully sink boats. It's not a good look on my transcript.


"That was awfully disappointing." Kiara says with a sigh as the twins walk through the front door of their house. The gold wasn't with the shipwreck and left the teens in bad moods.

"Hey, just because the gold wasn't with the ship, doesn't mean it doesn't exist at all. Maybe JJ was right, maybe it was never there at all and it's been somewhere  else on the island all along." Juniper says while trying to keep her sister's hopes up. 

"Yeah...." Kie mumbles while opening the freezer and grabbing an ice cream sandwich. "Look we can all talk more about it later. We are all going to the movie night tomorrow so we can discuss it more then. For now, I'm going to bed, so goodnight. I love you and sleep well." Kiara replies while walking upstairs to her room.

Juniper sighs and does the same. Once there, she dumps her backpack on the ground and takes off her shoes. She does her normal night routine and crawls in to bed with nothing but a bra and Nike Pros on. Juniper gets tired as soon as her head touches the pillow and lets sleep take over.


Juniper wakes up to that same feeling of disappointment that she hoped sleep would cure. She immediately fills her mind with good thoughts and happy memories to keep her famous positive mindset. She smiles and thinks, 'today is going to be a good day.' With a new bright attitude, she gets up and starts to get ready for the day. 

She put on a peach colored bikini and matches it with a ruffly skirt and white cropped tank top (You already know, picture above^^^). She straightens her hair and does her normal makeup while humming her favorite song in her head. She sprays her perfume and puts on deodorant before putting them back in her bag like always. She puts her Ray Bans on the top of her head, bag on her back and Air Force 1s on her feet before leaving her room.

"Morning, sunshine!" Mike says from the kitchen table with his coffee while seeing his daughter skip into the kitchen.

"Good morning, Daddy! How did you sleep?" She replies while opening the fridge and grabbing the orange juice and a banana from the counter. 

"I slept quite well, what 'bout you?" 

"I slept great! Thank you for asking!" She responds while grabbing a granola bar from the pantry. 

"Got any plans today?" The man asks. Conversations have always flowed more between him and Juniper than him and Kiara. I guess they were both too different. This doesn't mean that he loves Kiara any less because he loves them both so much that it physically hurts. He just enjoys having morning conversations with the younger twin.

"I have a shift at Heyward's today, a class online with the University of Arizona and a movie night is playing in the park. Is it okay if Kie and I go to that?" She responds while filling her white Starbucks tumbler with orange juice and grabbing the banana and granola bar.

"Yeah, that's alright. Just text if you are going to end up sleeping at someone else's house tonight." He responds.

"Thank you, Dad! I will. I gotta go, my shift starts in twenty minutes. I love you, have a good day!" She says and grabs her keys by the front door.

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