Author's Note

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Hello beautiful, gorgeous readers!!!

I am basically making this extra little thing at the end because I feel like you guys have a very big part when it comes to books on Wattpad, or really any books in general.

Your opinions matter to me more than you guys could possibly imagine, with that being said, how'd you like the book?

What changes would you like to see in the second one?

Would you absolutely hate if I changed the POV? 

Should I do some chapters from JJ's POV and a spontaneous one of a different character's?

I seriously would love to hear any and all suggestions from you guys, because you guys are the one's reading it and you know what you do and do not like in certain books.

PLEASE don't hesitate to give me feedback!! 

Feedback of any kind, good or bad, I WANT IT! The only thing I'll say to anything negative is to just try your absolute best to be nicer about it <3 

(Also...... I am working on 'Forever Mine' as you read this!!!)

Another thing I would like suggestions on : the next book.

Would you like it better if I released the chapters as I go along, or do what I did with this book and finish the whole thing before publishing it??


Anyways...... Love ya! 

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