Parcel 9 (Pt.4)

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I knew it, you bitch!


"It's for the pain." Kiara explains while she lights the blunt. All three girls climbed onto the top of the boat.

"JJ bless." Sarah says in relief. Kiara takes the first few hits before extending her arm towards Sarah. 

"Actually." Kiara says and pulls it back for another hit. 

"Really?" Sarah says and snatches it away from her. She puts it between her lips and takes a long drag.

"Go easy. It's JJ's cousin's Cripple." Juniper warns. She's seen enough people start dying from taking hits that are too big from that stuff. Sure enough Sarah starts coughing like she almost started drowning. 

"Yeah." Kiara mutters while nodding her head. Once Sarah is done with her coughing fit, she holds the blunt towards Juniper.

"Yeah, I'll pass." Junie says and turns her head away from the drug. Sarah looks at Kiara in confusion.

"She doesn't smoke." Kiara explains. "She thinks it will, like, kill us all one day."

"Come on, I mean, one hit never hurt anyone." Sarah says and extends her hand towards Juniper again.

"Actually, it has. One hit and, just like that, you're addicted. That's what nicotine does, Sarah." She replies.

"Just at least try it." Sarah says.

"Another thing you don't know about me, Sarah Cameron... I don't submit to peer pressure." Juniper snaps. 

"But she does to Jayy Jayyyy." Kiara teases. This makes Juniper immediately blush and purse her lips. 

Later, the girls find pillows and blankets inside the cabin and bring them out onto the deck. They all sit down and relax once the sky gets dark. Soon enough, Sarah and Kie finish the entire blunt and Juniper can tell this was Sarah's first time.

"Wow. Hey guess what? Would you rather... have - I was just imagining you like this just now. It was pretty funny. Would you ima - would you rather...  have nipples for eyes or eyes for nipples? Imagine if you get really old and your nipples - your boobs get saggy, and your nipples, if they were your eyes, you could see if your shoes were untied." Sarah says before chuckling.

Juniper and Kiara look at each other, unamused. 

"You can see if your shoe is untied now Sarah. Even without any mutations." Juniper says while shaking her head.

"Oh." Sarah says disappointedly.

"Is this your first time smoking or something?" Kiara snaps.

"No." Sarah mutters. "Hey, guys..."

"Oh, my God. Enough with the "Hey, guys!" bullshit!" Kiara yells. "Why'd you do it?"

"Why did I do what?" Sarah asks, confused.

"We were best friends. We - we stole beers from your dad's fridge, we watched movies together, we cried about boys. And the next thing I know, I'm watching your birthday party happen from Instagram." 

"It was one party." 

"You invited everybody except me. And then you told everybody I was the reason that the party got busted."

"Okay, well, who else would've called the cops?"

"You never asked. You just let the rumor go that I was a rat. You were my best friend, and then you ghosted me, and I don't even know why!" Kiara finishes. "I mean, really, what did I do?"

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