Midsummers (Pt.3)

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He stole you from me.


"Excuse you." Juniper says to Sarah Cameron. Her and Kiara are dancing on the dance floor but Sarah bumped into Junie. 

"Watch it." Sarah says at the same time that Juniper spoke. They exchange glares before walking in opposite directions to go back to dancing with people they enjoy. The upbeat song ended and a slow one came on, so the twins left the dance floor. They sat down at a circle table with white tablecloths and pretty flower center-pieces. Juniper rests her chin in her hand while her elbow is on the table. 

"What's the matter, Love?" Kiara asks, seeing her sister's frown.

"I wish JJ was here. I bet I could've convinced him to slow dance with me."

Kiara smiles before saying, "He would have loved to dance with you."

"You really think so?" Juniper asks with a small smile.

"I know so, Junie. You have him wrapped around your finger. You could ask him to do literally anything and he wouldn't think twice about it."

Juniper's smile grows at the thought that JJ might have the same feelings for her that she does for him. The twins fall back into silence and watch couples dancing on the dance floor.

"Dewar's and tonic." 

"Right away, Mr. Dunleavy." 

Juniper's head snaps in the direction of the conversation she over heard. Sure enough, she knew exactly who that voice belonged to. JJ walks towards the dance floor and looks like he's on a mission. She watches in curiosity. 

"Hey, what are you looking at?" Kiara asks. Juniper turns to answer her.

"I saw JJ going towards the dance floor." She says before turning back and what she saw made her face grow hard. JJ and Sarah Cameron were talking and dancing. She smiles while JJ dances around her. Juniper clenches her jaw while the familiar taste of jealousy rests on her tongue. She  notices JJ raise a finger to his lips and wink at the blonde before handing her a little piece of paper. Juniper can't take it anymore and stands up.

"Where are you going?" Kiara asks.

"Bathroom." Juniper answers shortly before she walks into the huge white mansion. She does her best to keep her composure and makes her way to the bathroom. She speed walks into a stall and locks the door. She leans her back against the wall of the stall and places a hand over her mouth while letting a few tears spill. Was JJ seriously macking Sarah Cameron? Why was JJ going straight to Sarah instead of trying to find her? This feeling in her chest is too painful, too real. 

She takes her hand off of her mouth and wipes under her eyes gently. She flushes the toilet and unlocks the stall before walking to the mirror to make sure her makeup wasn't messed up. Juniper rinses the smudges off of her eyes and dries under them with a paper towel. After throwing the paper towel away she makes a fake smile in the mirror. It immediately drops and she walks out the door to go join Kiara. Before she could do exactly that, she sees JJ running straight towards her. His eyes find hers and she instantly sees the panic that he's feeling.

"Jay, what -" She starts to ask before he grabs her wrists and drags her behind him. He runs into the men's bathroom and lets go of Juniper. "JJ I can't be in here." She snaps.

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