The Forbidden Zone (Pt.3)

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Stay off Figure Eight, Pogues.


After an extremely long lecture about the Pogues and the dangers of getting pregnant at 16, Kiara and Juniper were sent to their rooms. Juniper changed into an over sized shirt and some leggings and is now sitting on her bed. She hears her door creak and looks over to see Kiara sneaking in.

"Hey." She greets quietly while sitting on the bed.

"Hi." Juniper responds with a smile.

"I'm sorry that dad got upset with you. I shouldn't have started the whole dancing thing."

"It's fine. Dad was going to find some reason to lecture us about the boys, again. It's not your fault." Juniper responds.

"It certainly didn't help that you and JJ were kissing." Kiara adds with a little smirk.

"You are not wrong." Juniper replies with a wide smile as she remembers the kiss.

"Come on, Junie. Tell me about it." Kiara urges while moving closer to her sister. There was nothing the twins loved more than girl talk.

"I dunno, Kie. It was...... Perfect." Juniper revealed with a huge smile. "Just the way he looked at me, the way he held me like I was the most precious thing the world could offer, it was just so...." She starts but is at a loss for words.

"Perfect?" Kiara offers with a big smile of her own.

".... Right." Juniper corrects. "I'm not sure how to explain it. It was like that moment was already decided before we even started talking. You know? Like that little moment was waiting for us. The perfect place and the perfect time, surrounded by our friends. And the music, it was just all so.... ugh!" She replies dreamily before falling back against the headboard. 

"Sounds nice, Junie. I'm really happy for you." Kiara says. She was about to add on to that before the door was opened.

"Hey, Kiara. It's time to go to your own room, now. Get some sleep, girls." Anna, their mom, says from the door.

"Okay, mom. Goodnight, Junie. Love you." Kiara replies while standing up from the bed and heading towards the door.

"Night, love you, too." Juniper responds while Kiara leaves the room. Anna blows a kiss to her daughter before closing her bedroom door.

That night, Juniper falls asleep with thoughts of JJ and praying that the feeling she's experiencing right now, never goes away.


The next morning Juniper woke up with a huge smile on her face. JJ kissed her last night! She couldn't feel happier as she got up and decided to make her bed. She cleaned her room as well before getting ready for the day. She grabbed a green, off the shoulder crop top and a pair of white shorts (Picture attached^^) She put on her normal makeup and jewelry before putting her baby blue swim suit into her backpack.  

She also made sure her matching bracelet she had with Kiara was still on her wrist before putting on deodorant and Victoria's Secret: Pure Seduction perfume and lotion. She curled her hair into soft waves, like yesterday, and left it down. She put on her plain white Air Force Ones before exiting her room. Kiara was already waiting by the door for her sister since they all agreed to test out the drone today.

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