The Runaway (Pt.1)

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Why is it always about John B?


"Good morning, sunshine." JJ whispers into Juniper's ear the next morning and crawls onto the bed behind her. She smiles and turns around to face him. 

"Good morning." She replies softly. He kisses her forehead and pulls her into him by her waist. She rests her forehead against his chest and curls her arms into her chest before moving even closer into him.

She could stay like this forever.

The warmth from the sunshine and JJ's body on this comfy bed. The way JJ's heartbeat randomly picks up it's pace before calming down again. The way his arms make her feel so secure and stable once they consume her. 

"Hello!!" Kiara yells throughout the house after slamming the front door open. Juniper groans and JJ chuckles. "Hey, Junie, have you-." She starts before coming to an abrupt stop when she sees their position. "You guys make me sick, come on, we're going to set up the pulley and test it out." 

"Okay, thank you, Kie." Juniper replies after sitting up and flashing her sister a smile.

"No prob." She responds before gives a pointed look at JJ, asking if they made up. Juniper nods softly with a smile. Kiara raises an eyebrow and tilts her head, talking about what happened to him last night. Juniper just purses her lips and shrugs. Kiara sighs and nods in understanding before leaving the room and closing the door behind her.

"Okay, what the hell was that?" JJ asked, referring to their conversation that they had without saying a single word. 

"Oh, we were just talking about last night." She explains before walking over to the closet. She tosses JJ a white tank top, now that he's sitting up in bed. She takes off her halter top and takes on of the boy's shirts that she finds in the closet. 

"Daammnn, Junie." JJ praises from the bed with a smirk. She just giggles and shakes her head, knowing he was referring to her bra. It was black and tight. Lace hugs her cleavage and the top of her ribs snuggly. It's her favorite one. She puts the t-shirt on and keeps on her shorts from yesterday. She decides to leave it down and makes it look like she isn't wearing bottoms from how big it was on her.

"It's okay if I wear this, right?" Juniper asks JJ once she realizes it was his.

"Yeah, of course, always. How'd you know it was mine though?" He asks while standing and walking over to her and putting his tank top on in the process. When he reaches her, she swings her arms lazily around his neck and his hands grab her hips. 

"It smells like you." She mumbles with a toothy grin.

"Speak up, pretty girl." He says and tips her chin upwards before putting his hand back to her hips.

"It... smells like you." She repeats at a normal volume. 

"Oh..." he says with a smirk.


"Oh, yeah?" He says and brings his lips down to kiss hers. She immediately kisses him back and tangles her fingers in his messy blonde locks. She slightly tugs on his roots and he groans in return. She pulls away and looks at him innocently.

"You know what we should do?" She asks and bites her lip suggestively.

"What's that?" He asks, hypnotized by her lips. She stands on her tip toes and pulls his head down gently so she can reach his ear. She kisses the spot just below his ear lobe and sucks slightly. He groans, just like before and grabs her ass with both hands. She brings her lips toward his ear and very quietly says,

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